

*As Rosetta walks the ranch te joy of the wedding 2 days ago still filled her heart. Wes and Cindy were so happy. Rosetta was glad to see that. Wes deserved the best and she had no doubt that Cindy was that for him. The constrution on the house was still going on as Wes and Cindy were away. Trucks were comeing and going as they went around back to the house. Rosetta couldent wait to see what the finished producte was. She was glad Wes wasent going to sell the land and wanted to start his family there. As Rosetta walks the ground she the bounces off her ring. Looking down she holding her hand up she smiled. Soon, very soon this whole thing with TJY would be over and Rosetta would be having her own wedding. It was something worth waiting for. With every day passed the drew closer to the war being over.

Rosetta heads a car and looks up seeing Damien's truck he hadent been back since Jamie left. He had said he needed time to think and Rosetta did feel for him. As He pass Rosetta throws a wave than heads for the barns.*

*As Damien pulls up to the ranch he lets out a sigh. He had to do this and he new it. Looking around his eyes fall on the sandbox where BJ is playing alone. Slowly Damien walks over to him removing his hate so he dosent look as intimenating. Siting down on the edge he smiles at the young boy he had only found out a week before was his son.*

"Hey there Bud."

*BJ looks up from his toys and gives a small smile.*


*BJ keep his eyes on Damien as Damien looks back.*

Damien: "What ya doing there?"

BJ: "Twing to bild a sand house."

Damien: "Want some help?"

*BJ shakes his head.* "No."

*Damien's shoulders drop alittle.*


*Slowly he stands and starts to walk away. He wanted to get to know his son better. But BJ dident know who he was. Damien dident know how to act or what to do. Slowly he walks back to his truck.

BJ watches as Damien gets up and walks away. Standing the young boy runs over to him and interlocks his hand with Damiens.*

"Can we go for a walk? All my fwends are gone."

*Damien smiles down at BJ.*

"Sure we can."

*Wendy sneeks her way into the shop once again where she finds herself spending most of her time. Clint had looked so nice at Wes and Cindy's wedding. She had so much fun dancing with him most of the night and just chating. Sneeking along next to him a giggle escapse from her lips giving away she was there.*

"Hey you. I hope I'm not bothering you again, but you work to much."

*Wendy gives a playful elbow to Clint.*

*Jamie gives Paula a hug and Dan one as well.*

"It was nice meeting you guys as well. Thank you for leting me stay here and shair with the family. I had a wonderful time. Dont worry I will make sure i come back with Con its to nice here to pass it up."

*Jamie turns to all the kids and gives the girls hugs telling them she will see them soon. Than she turns to the boy and does the same though after giving Jake a hug she plants a small kiss on his cheek*

"Dont watch people kiss to much ya hear. It could get ya in trouble."

*Jamie smiles and heads out the door puting her sunglass on. As she follow Con down the diveway she sticks her arm out the window and throws a wave.

After a while Jamie see Con pull off the road and follows read to grab some food. As she sits with Con at the picnic table she listens to him talk about going back to TJY.*

"Ya I'll come back there with ya. I have to let Reese know I am back anyways and see how everything is."

*Jamie takes a sip of the lemonade Paula had packed as well thinking for a long moment.*

"Are you nervouse about going back Con?"

*Misty hardly even relizes the time as she is busy in the infermary. Between woking on stuff with Rick and studing Misty felt like the day was almost draging by. Misty hardly had time to think about anything. For some reson today seemed to be busyer than those of the past.*

*Nate sits at his desk deep in thought looking over files Reese had given him about the court to look over. Everyone he looked at her felt like he was comign up embty handed. Nate was starting to get alittle frustrated.*

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