
Fire Flys

*As the tention continues at BK Nate grows worryed. Noticing Laura keeps looking around as if someone is going to walk in at any moment. Nate's words grow soft as not to scair her.*

"Laura, please tell me whats wrong? You keep looking around like you exspect to see someone, and you seem differnt from earlyer. Talk to I'm you friend I'll listen."

*Nate keeps his eyes on Laura. He truly was worry and wanted to help. But he couldent if he dident know what was wrong.*

*Jamie gently takes Sadie and smiles down at the small child at Paula leaves the room. Jamie takes her free hands and brings a finger up to Sadie's hand so she can grasp it. Jamie giggles as the little baby smiles up at her. Looking behind her she sees a rocking chair and sits down rocking back and forth with Sadie humming softly as she rocks. Digging around in Sadie's bad she finds rattles, and plays with Sadie till lunch is ready when she turns Sadie back over to Paula.

....Though the lunch table is a bit busy with chatter and noise Jamie dosent mind at all. Trying to help out the best she can with the kids that are next to her. As the mention of the fishing trip comes up Jamie perks a bit.*

"Hey now how come all the boys get to have the fun?"

*Jamie looks around the table at the girls and smiles.*

" Maybe if your grandma says its ok we can go with the boys and catch fireflys while they fish?"

*Jamie looks to Paula hoping she hasent over steped her bounds at all by making the sujestion.

...Lunch finally coming to an end Jamie watches as Con exits the house but opts to stay inside and help clean up and clean the kids up. As Jamie pass the door to put some stuff in the sink and do up a load of dishes Jamie over hears Con and Dan's conversation. Alittle shocked about finding out Con's secret she feel a bit of comapation. Did Con really believe that this would change there relationship, and he would disapoint her. Jamie decieds now isent the best time to talk to him about it but would keep it in the back of her mind for later. Finishing up with the dishs Jamie goes back to the table to grab more.*

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