

Laura bites her lip as her emotions threaten to slip, but she keeps a handle on it. Tough Laura just wouldn’t die.

“Thanks, Nate, but really, I’m fine.” She knows the lie all too well, and it slides from her mouth all too easily.

She finishes off her fries and nods. “Yeah, let’s get on over to Jamie’s. Poor Ed is probably starving.”

The afternoon flies by without major events. Carson finds himself working late, finding no point in going back to his apartment early just to sit and watch tv. He was bored enough the way it was, at least while at TJY he could keep his mind halfway occupied.

Laura sighs and finally shuts down her computer. The nervousness persisted, despite her efforts to thwart it all day.

Rising from her desk, she spots Nate. She didn’t want him worrying any more than he already was… She’d tried to convince him she was fine, and if she said anything more, it would just emphasize her lie. Besides, if he worried any more, he might feel obligated to do more, and Laura just didn’t want that right now. But…she was scared.

Choosing a different option, Laura heads in the other direction, finding Wyatt still there.

Minutes later, Laura is aiming for the exit, Wyatt close behind, also leaving for the night.

Lydia smiles at Jamie, pausing her reading. “Oh, its just a book I’m reading for literature in school. Mom said I didn’t need to do any work while I was here, but I figured if I can finish it now, then I can be done with it and won’t have to worry about it later.” She laughs. “Any time I can get school work done early, I try to. Leaves Eric jealous, but he survives.”

…Before the family knows it, night is falling. A light supper is eaten, and chaos ensues as the children get ready for their night adventure.

The boys scurry around for their fishing rods and equipment, Con tries to keep them rounded up and ensure they have everything. Bug spray fills the air, two lanterns are found in the basement, and flashlights are handed out.

The girls find some old jars in the kitchen to catch their fireflies, and they join in the bug spray adventure, none wanting to face the mosquitoes down by the pond.

Finally, the group is on their way – Con and Jamie with eight kids in tow, though Eric and Lydia help direct the younger ones. The walk takes about half an hour down a winding wooded path until they reach the pond. Crickets chirp, frogs croak, and fireflies illuminate the shore.

Con fires up the lanterns and the boys scatter in all directions. “Don’t wander too far,” he calls with caution. “I don’t want to have to pull anybody out of the water!”

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