

*Wendy smiles at Becky.* "Thank you. I know where Clint gets his kindness now."

*Wes hangs up the phone and enters the mess hall again. His heart is heavy. How can he tell Cindy about her son. She was suffering as it was. But how could he not. If anything happend to Jason and he hasent told her, he would feel horrable. Wes goes over to Cindy and sits down.* "Cindy...I need to talk to you. That was Con on the phone. I was continblating not telling you. But I have too." *Wes takes Cindy's hand in her.* "Cindy, Jason is in a Coma. I know it sounds like a horrable thing but his body is trying to heal itself so maybe thats they best way. Con said if the condition dosent change we can go an see him in a dew days. God has a plane for everything Cindy. Remember that and let it give you comfort." *Wes trys to smile the best he can.*

*Annie sits down next to Sparky. Looking at him she can tell he is questioning his Sisters project. Seting her papers down she holds up sme panflips.* " Next month the mission wants me to leave again on a trip but they havent told me where. How on earth am I to prepair if they wont tell me where I am going." *Annie smiles.*

*Rosetta lets out a sigh.* "Lets call Austin and see what he wants us to do than high tail it out of here before they are watching US."

*Katie waks and streches. Looking at Austin her eyes are bloodshot its easy to tell she has been crying.* "Aucilly this chair is pritty comfey, I'd rather stay here for now. If thats ok."

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