
Pizza anyone?

Carson is careful not to look at the other table, and slips out of BK with Misty. Once outside, he walks more swiftly down the sidewalk, all too happy to be rid of that situation. “I don’t know what they’re doing in town, unless they’re here looking for me,” he reasons with distaste, shaking his head.

Out of sight from the restaurant he slows down a little, but still keeps a wary eye out. The sun is starting to sink lower in the sky, though he pays little attention to the clouds that take on gorgeous shades of vibrant pinks, purples and golds.

As they walk past TJY, Carson reflects on where he is now and what he’s left behind. “I guess it’s a good thing I never settled down in one place for long,” he muses with apathy. “I didn’t have much to go back to anyway unless you count a bum roommate and a handful of personal belongings that have no value.”

All four members of JetStream make their entrance by racing from the back of the room, and leaping up on stage. All have wireless headset mics and Kyle spins around to the audience while Phil and Jason grab their guitars and Mike gets behind the drum set. “Helloooooo Franklin Hospital supporters!” He grins at the applause, but waves them to stop. “I know, y’all came just to hear us, right?” He pauses for effect, then laughs. “No, I know you’re here because you care about this town’s hospital and what it’s doing for the people in our community. I think Katie over there,” he points to her, “said it best, so I need not repeat. But we’re here tonight to give y’all a good time and to encourage you, if you like us…to show it by giving a contribution to the hospital because that would mean more to us than your applause.”

He takes a deep breath, stepping forward as if ready for a speech. “Now, I’ve got an experience with this hospital, see one time…”

“Yo, Kyle!” Phil waves a hand in the air. “They don’t want to hear about your hangnail!”

Mike gives a three beat on the drum and symbol, bringing even more laughter.

Kyle can’t help his smile. “Alright, alright about we just give y’all some music?” The shouts encourage him to turn around and head for the keyboard. “You heard ‘em boys, lets get this rockin’ and a rollin’!”

The music starts with a popular upbeat song, getting everyone to their feet. Jason flashes the audience a smile as he leads in with his guitar then starts to sing. As the song plays on, he shifts his gaze to find Katie, his eyes shining with enjoyment at being able to pick her out of the crowd. His strong, mellow voice seems to entrance everyone listening, drawing in even those who had been outside.

The guys banter back and forth between songs, encouraging more laughter, and it’s a ways into the program that Kyle leads them off again. “Got a new song y’all.”

The audience cheers, and Kyle chuckles, staying behind the keyboard. “It’s one I wrote myself…” He plays a few notes. “…for all you city slickers out there… And I’ll just let you decide if I was writing this about myself or not…”

Mike takes the cue and starts a beat on the drums with Jason coming in with the guitar, giving the song almost a bluegrass feel. It’s Kyle that takes the vocals this time, his voice with a slight edge, a contrast to Jason, but good nonetheless. He sings in a story-telling-like tone, playing the keyboard and looking out at the audience.

Well, I took one summer, down at ol’ Grandpappy’s.
Had a farm by a lake, we used to go fishin’.
Campin’ late at night, just under the stars,
I’d hear the wind and all the crickets chirpin’.

Jen moves a switch on the sound board, and suddenly the audience can hear crickets chirping. The band stops completely and look at each other as if they didn’t know about it, then shrug and start up again, causing everyone to laugh.

I was just a kid, used to living in the city,
Didn’t know about nature, but figured I’d learn.
Out one night with my window wide open,
I heard a strange noise that gave me quite a start.

Well I went down running to my grandpappy’s room.
Yelling and a screaming, “There’s a beast outside!”
Grandpappy rose right quicker than a bullet,
Grabbed his trusty shotgun right off of his shelf.

We ran out to that porch as quick as we could.
Grandpappy stopped and we stood just a listenin’.

Kyle pauses, his voice hushing to a whisper as he cups a hand to his ear, then jumps with a start, the music back again.

There it is again!” I clung to his leg.
“I heard it again! Don’t you hear it down there?”

Grandpappy’s mouth started twichin’ kinda funny.
I looked up at him to see him start to grin.
His belly started shakin’ till he shook all over,
He was just a laughin’ and had me all confused.

“Grandpappy, why…why you laughin’ so hard?
Aren’t you gonna shoot that monster by the pond?”
He set that shotgun down and pointed in the dark,
“Why, son,” he said,” That’s just a…

Jason’s voice interrupts Kyle’s as he reaches down as low as he’s ever sung, producing a deep bass sound to give the last word of the line. “Bullfrog!

The band almost stops completely again and th crowd cracks up at the silly antics, but the song isn’t over yet, and Kyle resumes the lyrics, the music picking back up again.

Well, I’m growed up now, got a son of my own,
Took him out camping just a week or so ago.
We’s out one night, sitting down by the lake,
Billy’s eyes got wide, and he tugged at my shirt.

“Daddy!” he cried, “What’s that sound that I heard?”
“It sounds like a monster there over by the rocks!”
I just a started grinnin’ like my grandpappy would.
I took Billy by the hand to go get a closer look.

The sound came again, making Billy jump.
I laughed out loud, just shaking my head.
“Son,” I said, “There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“That noise you heard, it’s just a

Bullfrog!” Jason stretches to go even lower with his notes, starting to sound like a bullfrog himself.

Kyle tries to pick up the next line, but almost can’t as he starts to laugh himself.

Now when you’re out at night, and you hear a strange noise,
Just remember Grandpappy and my little Billy.
Don’t get too scared, it won’t hurt you one bit,
They’re right cute critters if you get a hold of one.

They make a lot of noise, and they keep you up at night,
They make a big splash and they’re doggone quick.
But nevermind you, it’s nothing to be scared of,
‘Cause we all know now…it’s just a…

Kyle pauses and leans toward Jason, the instruments ceasing again. One could hear a pin drop as everyone anticipated the next line.
Jason plays it up by taking a deep breath and acting as though he’s going to say it, but prolongs the moment just long enough to bring out more humor, then drops his voice back down again for the final word. “Bullfrog!

JetStream laughs along with the audience, giving themselves a breather before the next set of songs.

Jason takes the lead the rest of the night, singing a few of his own, including “Little Boy” that seems to put everyone in a trance. The mood is brought back up again though to end on an energetic song that gets everyone on their feet again, clapping and tapping their toes.

Despite the groans and begging for more, Kyle closes out the evening. “I just wanna say again, on behalf of this band, we’ve had an awesome time tonight, and can’t thank you enough for being such a great audience.” Receiving applause, Jason is the one to wave them down this time.

“I think we all need to give the other performers a hand here do, what do you say?”

Everyone, including the band, claps for those who performed before them.

“And I hope you all enjoyed the fine new voice you heard up here earlier, that of our own Katie Pent!” Jason grins as he points to Katie, bringing the audience into applause again. “Yeah, I bet y’all would like to hear more from her, wouldn’t you?” He holds his smile as Kyle takes back over again.

“Well, listen, we’ve had a blast, and hope you have to. And remember, this wasn’t for us, it was for the hospital. We’re glad you’re here, and your presence itself is a great support. But hey…on your way out, dig a little deeper and help out this hospital, ‘cause that’s what this was all for. Goodnight, y’all.”

The band waves to everyone, then makes their way out of the spotlight, exiting backstage.

The crowd starts to move, creating a buzz of activity and conversations all around.

Those from TJY somehow find each other to head backstage in order to see Jason and meet the band they’ve heard so little about.

Laura takes Maggie’s hand, whispering in her ear about the possibility of getting an autograph, and follows the few that head back to JetStream.

“Well, Jason, I knew you had it in you.” Con gives Jason’s shoulder a whack.

Jason grins at him. “Disappointed?”

“Not in the least. You’re even better than I thought you were.”

“Don’t even try,” Phil warns, “He won’t take a compliment for anything.”

“Even if you tell him he looked dang good up there?” Laura asks.

Jason’s face reddens. “I think you and Jen are ganging up on me.”

Conversations circle around and Jason is sure to introduce everyone, then finally Kyle shouts above everyone else. “Hey! You all may have enjoyed the goodies they’ve had out for everyone here tonight, but this band is downright starving. I say it’s time for a pizza party down at Mom and Pop’s to celebrate an awesome turnout. What do ya all say?”

Con looks to Jamie with a grin. “Want to join them?”

Jason slings an arm around Katie’s shoulder. “You are coming with, aren’t you? You can’t say no.”

Laura looks around at everyone else, noting that it seems everyone is going. She throws Nate a sidelong glance, wondering if he would be joining in with Maggie or not… and even if he wanted to, would he, since Con was going to be there?

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