
Getting Ready

Carson throws Misty a look of slight defiance. "For somebody who just a few hours ago thought your world was over, you sure like to tell people what to do, don't you?" He sits up and leans over to put his shoes on. "Apparently you also know how to read minds."

Lacing his boots, he sits back up. "I'm surprised they'll even let me outside of this building. Not to mention I look like I've been in the fighting ring." He gestures to his face. "I'll go with you as long as I can tell people you're the one that got mad at me."

Playfulness toys with the corner of his mouth as he slaps on his baseball cap, pulling it down low to hide half his face. "Lead the way, Sassy, unless you want to walk behind me so you can keep those hawk eye of yours on me at all times."

Laura looks at Nate, question in her eyes, though she tries to hide it. "Oh, that's sweet of you Nate, but...well...I...I think I just better go home after work. It's been a long day and..." She stops herself, swallowing hard. She was forfeiting supporting Katie and Jason because she felt funny about going with Nate as friends? What was wrong with her? That wasn't really right, was it? She wanted to see Katie, and she'd been dying to hear JetStream...

She knew that her eyes betrayed her, a stark contrast to her next words. "I think I'll just grab a cab here in a while and probably end up hitting the hay early tonight."

Jason tries to get over his embarrassment between Jen and Katie, focusing on the cords he was working with instead. "Well, if you gotta beat anybody off, I'm sure Mike will let you borrow his drum sticks, though please, let me get out of the way first - I don't want to be in the way when you start wielding your weapons of mass destruction."

Jen giggles, then turns to Katie. "I'll be running sound all evening, so whenever you want to join me at the table where the soundboard is, there in front of all the chairs, come on over. Soon as your dressed come back here though, we'll do a sound check for ya so I know where to keep the settings for you."

Kyle unravels an extension chord and glances to his sister out of the corner of his eye. "I can get Andrew to come over and help tonight if you want."

"I don't need it," Jen answers quickly, a hint of irritation in her tone."

Phil looks up , intervening before an argument starts. "Kyle, give me a hand with the keyboard, will you?"

Kyle relents and drops the topic with Jen.

Jason returns Katie's hug and gives her a smile. "I can't wait to hear you - you're gonna do great too."

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