

*Misty lets her Sassy smile stay at the courners of her mouth as Carson and herself head down the streets. A dry cocky laugh escapes from Misty's lips.*

"IF you were disobedient I am pritty confadent I could hadle you. But how about we not find out eh? I'd like to have a nice time out with you for once seeing as the last two have been a desaster."

*As they turn the courner BK comes into view.*

*As Nate listens to Laura it feels as though a thunderstorm rolls over his heart. This was silly he new Laura was out of his reach yet he had tryed anyways. Well friends was better than nothing. Nate laughs nervousely himself.*

"Ya sorry about the kiss again I wasent thinking clearly. And ya...just friends. Maggie will be coming with us if you dont mind? I promised her I would take her and I cant go back on my word. I think the three of us will have a real nice time."

*Katie exits the room dressed and ready. Scaning the area Katie makes sure all is well, and Jason isent around to see her before she is ready. Making her way to the back stage she was the first one up and VERY nervouse.*

*Jamie grabs her jacket and yells to Con in the other room a laugh in her voice.*

"Con you look fine like always lets get going before we are late. Good think its not to far from here."

*Jamie cant help but laugh again she was excited about see Katie and Jason. This was going to be a blast.*

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