
And the Fun goes On!

*As Misty leans aganst Carson a smile cross her face as she watches the seting sun. Bring her arms up to wrap around Carson's arms as he holds her. Misty felt safe, and content. A feel that had not been felt in a long time. Her felt a tad bit scaired of the rising feeling but new there was nothing to fear. Not many people had ever seen Carson the way Misty saw him. He opened to her, and let her in. *

"And the soul is at rest for now, the torment stoped. To rest and take in this moment. Happyness had found the wandering warrior and the one sent to end the war."

*At Mom and Pop's the hussle is great with the band and everyone from TJY, though the restront is slow and not many people are round it makes it a good thing. Mable hurrys over to the table geting drinks and takes the orders on the pizza.

The chatter continues looking around the table Katie stands still her emergy rising stands and goes over to Jamie. Bending down she whispers in her ear and they both break out laughing.

Jamie pats Con's arm leting him know she will be back and disapears into the back room with Katie.*

*Nate raises an eyebrow around the table.*

"Where are those two going? Something fishy is up."

* A few more minutes pass when finally a upbeat quirky music come over the juke box at the far end of the room. Katie and Jamie both come out dancing from the backroom singing in turn with big smiles on there face.*


I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do
He said that ....


Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

*Katie goes around the table one way as Jamie goes the other singing to everyone siting down pretending the spoons are micraphones. Jamie stops and lingers at Con for a moment. and Katie stops at Jason both with big grins on there face showing they are having a fun time.*


I told the witch doctor you didn't love me true
I told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice
And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice
He said to ...


Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

*Both girls step away from the boys at the table and make there way over to the counter. Katie jumps up on the counter standing than reaches down to help Jamie up. Both girls stand back to back singing as the other few people in the restron look on in aw at the two girls not knowing what is going on.*


Now, you've been keeping love from me
Just like you were a miser
And I'll admit I wasn't very smart
So I went out and found myself
A guy that's so much wiser
And he taught me the way to win your heart


My friend the witch doctor,
he taught me what to say
My friend the witch doctor,
he taught me what to do
I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you
Oh, Baby ....

*Both girls put there arms around eachother as they sing the last chorus together.*

Katie and Jamie:

Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

*Both girl stay standing on the counter breaking out in laughter as they try to catch there breath. Mable and Herb watch from the kitchen smiling and laughing along. Finally Mable brings come out carrying the pizze, Jamie and Katie still trying to catch there breath.*

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