

As Carson takes in what Misty is saying, he has no idea how to respond. He did know how she felt…he’d only been away from the Agency for such a short time…had only just now decided to go up against them, and it was already a fight. He knew exactly what Misty was feeling.

Misty takes him a little by surprise as she speaks of her own reactions to him. And to this…he had no idea how to respond. He could tell that she needed comfort…needed understanding…needed a friend. But he had never played those roles before. He had never crossed the line between business or pleasure into the realm of friendship. It had always been too dangerous of a spot.

Misty’s somewhat sudden attachment to him was a little bewildering…he liked her…she stirred something inside of him that most women didn’t. But her emotions ran deeper, despite the short time they’d known each other. Carson didn’t know how to take it…he didn’t know how to respond. Woman had talked sweet to him before, but this was different…this was genuine.

Carson is quiet for several minutes, trying to come up with a response, but nothing seems to form. “The fact that you didn’t stay there tonight proves you’re on the right side, no matter what you were feeling, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”

He shrugs a little, reverting to her statement about how she felt around him. “I guess a lot of people need someone to chase their shadows away until they find their own light.”

Suddenly feeling as though he’d been cornered for some reason, he stands up. “I’m going to head back before Rick finds me out of bed.” He knows his statement is a contradiction to his real feeling of not caring, but it’s the best excuse he had. “Guess I’ll just wait around for someone to tell me what to do.”

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