
When you look me in the eyes

*Misty can sence that Carson is watching everything though dosent blame him. Taking a bit from her hamburger Misty smiles.*

"Try and relax alittle bit. You look to uptight. And I understand why, but come on now."

*Misty sticks her toung out at Carson a bit than takes a sip of her pop.*

*Jamie shakes her head laughing exiting the house and locking the door behind her.*

*As the music starts amd the lite dims a bit a spotlight comes on and Katie makes her way to the center of the stage. She has a shinny blue halter top on, with black leather pants. A little bit of makeup is on her face but not much at all. Her hair is down and curled, with glitter through out. Katie smiles*

“Ok guys this first song is gonna be warm up. If it sounds horrible sorry. This song is for a special someone. They know who they are. He’s changed my life a lot, and opened my eyes to a bunch of stuff and I guess this is my thank you to him.”

*The music starts up again alittle louder as Katie waits a few moment swallowing and than starts to sing softly.*

“If the heart is always searching, Can you ever find a home?I've been looking for that someone,I'll never make it on my ownDreams can't take the place of loving you,There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.”

*As Katie loosens up a bit her sways to the soft music. Its evident she is still nervouse. Her eyes not focusing on the crowed for fear of totally choaking.*

”When you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you love me. Everything's alright,When you're right here by my side.When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes. How long will I be waiting, To be with you again. Gonna tell you that I love you, In the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.”

*As Katie sings the song her emotions start to grow. Her feelings for Jason over coming her. How she cared so much for him and how he really did make her feel so great. Looking up Katie searches the crowd till her eyes find Jason. A smile makes its way across Katie fast as she continues to sing.*

”When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise,When you look me in the eyes. More and more, I start to realize, I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head up high, And it's all because you're by my side. When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When I hold you in my arms, I know that it's forever. I just gotta let you know, I never wanna let you go. When you look me in the eyes."

*Katie’s voice trails off as she exits the stage. She needed a drink and it was someone alse turn now. Katie dosent go far though she will be up next again. Peeking out behind the curtins Katie scans the area making sure everything is in place and nothing seems fishy.*

*As the song end Jamie cheers and than looks to Con. She could feel Katie's emotions. Her voice was wonderful.*

*Maggie cheers at the top of her lungs as Katie walks off the stage. Nate joins in with her cheering for a an encore.*

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