

*Misty nods finishing up her frys and picking up her drink to take with her.*

"Ok, I'm ready to go when you are."

*As she stands she trys her best to shield Carson's face but its useless with her hight. Wraping her one arm through Carsons They head for the door.*

"Ya its a good idea not to head back to TJY at the moment. We can walk that way but just pass as we go. There is a small strip of stores a bit down the way."

*Katie smiles up at Jason her eyes sparkling.*

"Thank you. That was so much fun. I see why you love it so much."

*Katie continues to smile as Jason sets her back down.*

"I cant wait to hear you sing now Jason. I'll be out with Jen so be looking for me. and I'll come find you after the show."

*Katie gives Jason another hug and gives his best wishes to the rest of JetStream before heading to find Jen.*

*Maggie perks up as Laura offers for her to come alone with her. Looking to Nathen Maggie asks with her eyes big and round.*

"Can I Nathen?"

*Nate smiles down at his sister her face so full of light, he gives a small nod.*

"You sure can sweetheart. Make sure you protect Laura good ok?"

*Maggie smiles again than stands taking Laura's hand and heading through the crowd.

Nate smiles as Laura and Maggie disapear. Maggie always did take a liking to Laura, and Laura was so good with her. Nate couldent help but have a new scene enter his mind, maybe it was only a dream of Laura being around more for Maggie. Nate quickly shakes the thought from his friend. Only Friends he said to himself again.*

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