
How to dress

Jason pulls his bike up to the curb and revs his engine, a grin on his face as he waits for Katie and hands her her helmet. “Mornin’ sunshine.”

It’s a quick ride to TJY where Jason heads to his office to do a few things, refreshed after getting some sleep. He just hoped that he’d stay alert the rest of the day…though adrenaline would most likely keep him going later at the fundraiser.

Carson lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling tiles. He’d slept, he’d changed clothes, Rick had checked on him, he’d slept some more, he’d counted ceiling tiles, he’d ventured around the infirmary, he’d slept some more, and now was just about ready to go crazy. No one had come to discuss the future with him – probably they were still undecided. Either that, or they’d opted not to keep him on their side and turn him in instead.

He sighs and rolls over on his right side, giving his sore shoulder a break, but wincing as his ribs take the brunt of his movement. He was hungry for fast food, but had no cash, and no means to get around, and even if he did, they wouldn’t allow him out on his own. He wanted to help TJY go against the Agency, but was it always going to be like this?

Laura picks at the cold potato salad, not exactly hungry for it. She’d skipped lunch, so had figured she better eat something in the afternoon, but nothing seemed to want to settle with her.

She’d talked to Con on the phone earlier…he and Jamie were still planning on going to the fundraiser. It sounded like he’d had a good day, and that made Laura feel good.

She shoves her bowl aside and turns back to her computer. She didn’t have a vehicle…she didn’t want to put anyone else out…she should probably just skip going to the fundraiser and call a cab to take her home once the workday was through.

“Great, Kyle, thanks. I’ll see you there.” Jason hangs up his phone, grabs his jacket and heads for Katie’s cubicle. He was running late…he hadn’t made it over to Mike’s like planned, but Kyle said they’d gotten everything loaded already, so it was fine, and they were going to meet Jason at the community building to start setting up and getting ready. They’d agreed to let others use their sound system for the event, so it would take just a bit of extra time to get set up.

“Yo, Katie, you ready to blow this joint?” Jason throws her a quirky smile. “I gotta grab a few things back at Con’s, pick up a bite to eat, then meet the guys at the community building.”

It doesn’t take long before the short tasks are complete, and they arrive at the community building that adjoins the city park. A small crowd of people are already there, mostly hospital staff preparing for the evening’s event, though some spectators as well, either simply standing back to watch or volunteering help.

Jason finds a parking spot and dismounts the motorcycle, helping Katie as well. As they make their way inside, the rest of JetStream can be seen at the one end of the large open room, getting things set up on the stage.

“Kyle, throw me those cords.”


“No, the other ones.”

“Mike, get your foot off the cable!”

“Jen, where’s that duct tape?”

“Hey, has anybody seen my mic?”

Kyle straightens from looking into a tote of extra supplies, a smile spreading across his face. “Hey, it’s Jase and KT!”

“Sorry I’m late,” Jason apologizes. “Reese was keeping me busy today.”

“No worries.” Mike tosses him a cord. “Jen’s working on the soundboard.”

Jason slips right into his role, switching gears to help set up, and uncoils the cord to plug into the soundboard that’s set back from the stage.

Jen wheels around from where she’s been working. “Hi, Jason, hi, Katie.” A smile is on her lips, before she turns to point at Phil. “The duct tape is in the back seat of the truck where you left it.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Jen rolls her eyes. “Where’s that extension cord we just bought?”

“Um…” Phil thinks, then points to a box that had been left across the room by the door. “I think it’s in last box over there.”

“Thanks. I’ll go get it.”

Kyle glances at her and steps off the stage. “I’ll get it.”

Jen stops her chair and shoots Kyle a warning glance. “I’m fine. I’ll get it myself.”

Kyle grits his teeth for a moment, then holds up his hands. “Alright.” He turns back to what he was doing, obviously avoiding eye contact with anyone for several moments until the strange tension has passed.

“What are we wearing tonight, guys?” Mike asks a few minutes later. “Casual or up nice?”

“Casual.” Jen returns with the box on her lap.

Kyle grins and looks at Katie. “Jen’s our resident advisor for how we look on stage. She usually does a pretty good job.”

Jen rolls her eyes, sticking out her tongue just a little. “I can’t help it if you grown men can’t figure out what to wear. Mike, you got that red shirt with you?”


“Well take that and your faded jeans – that always looks good.”


Jen looks at her two brothers. “Kyle, holes in the knees is too casual, I’d change that, but your brown t-shirt will do – the one with the writing on the back.”

“Yeah, I got it in the truck.”

Jen nods. “Phil?”

Phil shakes his head as he plugs in a speaker. “I’ll have to run home. I need to grab something other than these sneakers anyway.”

“Good call. You should wear that black shirt of yours. You all will look nice, but not matching so it’ll give the stage a casual feel.” She looks over to where Jason is working at setting up the monitors. “Hey, Jason?”


“Go for your white tee and those tight jeans of yours.”

Jason’s eyes shoot up, his eyebrows raised. “Pardon?”

“Oh come now.” Jen rolls her eyes. “Now’s not the time to be self-conscious. You’re in the forefront, and you look dang good when you dress like that.”

Jason’s face reddens. He opens his mouth to argue, but she cuts him off.

“And gel your hair again, but not so much in the front. Once you’ve played for a while, you get that lock that falls down on your forehead and it’s way too cute to keep it back." Jen gestures with her hands. "Go for that and the jeans, and you’ll be irresistible. The girls will love it.”

“Jen!” Now Jason can really feel the heat in his face.

Jen starts to grin, knowing good and well she’s embarrassing him, but having too much fun, knowing what she says is true. She looks over at Katie. “Would you please tell him I’m right?”

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