
Thanks though

Carson cocks his head and straightens to enter the break room, pulling out a chair and turning it around to straddle it across the table from Misty. He hadn’t had anything to eat since a light supper the night before and was now hungry enough to take Misty up on her offer to finish the sandwich.

After a few moments, he looks up, searching her face. “Gets in the blood, doesn’t it? The action. The adrenaline rush. Not an easy thing to shake.”

Laura looks up quickly as Nate approaches, feeling an odd jump to her stomach. “Oh, um, yeah…I couldn’t sleep so I decided to come in and make myself useful, though I’m not sure I’m accomplishing even that.” She laughs, though it comes out a little more nervous sounding than planned.
“I, um…I’m trying to cut back on my caffeine, so, I um…guess I better pass on that…. Thanks though.” She looks back down the her computer, frustrated with the awkwardness she felt. What had happened? She’d never been awkward around Nate before.

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