

Carson keeps his head bent, though continues to eat casually. "Friends of mine. Enough said?"

He doesn't dare to look up, though feels the breeze when the door opens, two tall men walking in and placing their order. They sit down a ways from Carson and Misty, paying no attention to them.

Carson's eyes shift uneasily, his leg starting to bounce nervously. "The sooner we get out of here the better, but we're not walking straight back to TJY."

The crowd shows their love for Katie's song by a standing ovation, their applause shaking the room. Kyle stands up on his chair, letting out a whoop, smiling from ear to ear. Phil and Mike throw Katie two thumbs up, and Jason stands, just letting his smile say it all.

Someone from the hospital stands up to take a turn at the mic, announcing a brief intermission before JetStream comes on to provide the entertainment for the rest of the fundraiser.

Jason is the first to fight his way to backstage to find Katie. Giving her a sly grin, he picks her up and spins her around, setting her back down to smile down at her, his hands cradling her face. "You were fantastic."

Laura leans back in her chair and sighs deeply, thoroughly enjoying herself. She was glad for a short break, but wished she could hear more from Katie. She was looking forward to JetStream though, wanting to see Jason onstage too. She'd have to find Katie after everything was over to tell her how much she'd enjoyed her songs.

Looking around, Laura finally stands to stretch. "Well, I gotta go find the little girl's room," she admits, and looks at Maggie. "I could use the escort if you want to take a break too," she offers.

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