
feels good

*Wendy giggles and puts her other arm around Clint wast. How happy she was God let her find Clint that day that seemed so long ago.*

*Rosetta nods to Becky* "Ok not a problem. See ya two soon." *A strange feeling comes over Rosetta as Becky leaves.*

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*Katie smiles at Laura as they head for the elevator.* "Ya he is great. He's become like a big brother to me." *Katie hops into Laura's car.* "Ya, I just want to get some new clothing for work. I am worry about geting stuff for my room after I see what is looks like." *Katie giggles* "I am starting to feel alittle bit excited. I was worryed at first and I feel sad, but I think this is going to do some good." *Katie face breaks into a smile. The first one since before she left the ranch.*

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