
Little Progress

Clint is thoughtful for several moments, absorbing the sobering truth. "Yeah...the more I see what a mess this whole thing is, the more respect I have for the previous generation...I just can't believe how few leads there are, even after all these years. And then...for the Agency continually lying dormant until just popping up briefly to cause havoc, only to disappear again. Their pattern doesn't even make any sense." He shakes his head and sighs, giving Wendy's shoulders a final squeeze. "I'm just taking a break. Wes and I are trying to get a car fixed once and for all, so I'd better head back out. You can come watch if you want, though I'm not sure you want to get in the way of the two of us while we're working." He grins, turning to leave.

Cindy agrees to be ready to go at 5, looking forward to the evening. She eventually sees Becky and lets her know in case she wants to come.
It's a while later that Becky finds Rosetta in her office, and enters after knocking. "Hey, Rosetta...Cindy just told me about tonight. Rosalynn and I would love to join you if it's okay." She smiles, though there is something lurking behind her eyes. "We, um...she and I would like to tell you all something too."

When Jason is left alone once again, he thinks through his conversation with Austin. How much he wanted just to feel good again. But he was too full of anger and misery. Too many things had gone wrong. Had they all been his own fault? Or were they just life's circumstances? Could he have changed any of it?
He looks back to his computer as new information loads. He's successfully hacked into a database, the origin of which he's unsure, but a hunch had led him there. He scans several profiles until a name jumps out at him. He's seen that name before...somewhere... Making a mental note to go back through some old files, he saves the information.
Sighing, he turns off the computer. Supper would be soon...and he needed to eat. Any embarrassment or hesitance to see the others has dwindled, so the thought of interacting isn't quite as repulsive tonight.

Con leans back in a mess hall chair, his hands folded behind his head, his eyes closed as he thinks. This case has dragged on forever, and nothing was happening. He could feel the attitudes of those around him, and knew that many were wondering if staying here was even worth it any more. The air was getting stale...the Agency was hiding again. It was possible to dig deeper in order to get closer to the Agency, but there was too much risk. Any time that had been tried before ample information had been gathered, disaster had struck. So they waited... Con missed being back at TJY, though he did enjoy it here at the ranch. He was fulfilling his duty, and he supposed that was the most important thing.
Yawning, he glances at his watch, his mind wandering to Katie. No new was good news...if Katie hadn't made it to TJY, Reese would have called him. Despite that knowledge though, Con was just a little anxious to hear from her himself to know she was okay.

"Hey." Laura comes up behind Katie, her jacket on, and purse in hand, and a friendly smile on her face. "I've got my work done for today, so I thought we'd head out early. You ready?"

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