
New Face

After getting his tie caught in the door and tangling his arm in the seatbelt, Scott drives his beater car away from the airport. He offers Katie what he hopes is an encouraging smile. "Well, TJY can be a little intimidating at first, but you'll get used to it." He pauses in thought. "I'm assuming you're talking about Jason. Rumors had it you two were going to be partners, but then Reese told me this morning you were coming in yourself." He stops at a red light and waits for it to turn green. "Heard you got quite the sixth sense...does it just work with Jason, or can you do that with anybody?"

After pulling into the TJY parking lot, Scott gets out, tripping over a loose shoelace. "You can keep your stuff in here until you leave later with Laura," he comments, heading for the door.
Once inside, they go down the elevator and onto the floor. It's not quite as busy as the night Katie and Jason were there, but there are still plenty of people in their cubicles. Scott stands a little proudly, as if surveying his domain. "Might as well start you off with the grand tour before going to see Reese. He's in a meeting anyway." He starts to stroll down the right aisle, and begins to point something out, but is cut off.

"Hey, Scott, the copy machine is down," a man calls as he approaches. "Wanda needs help."

Scott looks at Katie, then back at the approaching young man. "Well I was just..."

"...Don't worry, I'll take care of her." The tall stranger throws Katie a wink when Scott isn't looking. "Wanda's going to have a cow if she can't make copies of those reports."

"...I guess...okay..." Scott nods to Katie. "I'll see you around." Walking quickly ahead, he almost runs into someone emerging from their cubicle, and papers and folders go flying.

The stranger cringes, stifling a laugh, and turns back around to Katie, offering a strong handshake, his eyes twinkling. "Hey. I'm Wyatt. You must be Katie. Sorry about interrupting, but I wasn't about to watch you get taken on one of Scott's 'grand tours.' You'd be in here all day." His eyes widen with humor as he chuckles. "Besides that, I wanted the pleasure of showing you around myself. How 'bout it?"

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