
Looking forword

*Wendy stands walks forword with Clint.* " I need a break from this. Maybe I can even help you guys. Hand you a wrench or something." *Wendy smiles.* " I think it would be nice to watch alittle."

*Rosetta nods to Becky* "We would like to have you both to come along. It will be a good time." *Rosetta eyes brows go up slightly as Becky mentions telling them somehting.* " If you want you can take a seat and tell me whats on your mind. Those chairs there are mighty comfortable."

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*Katie turns as Laura comes up behind her.* " Ya I am as ready as I ever will be. I guess we should find Scott my stuff is still in his car." *Katie smiles at Laura. KAtie was starting to feel a bit of excitment.* " I just have to make a phone call fast if thats ok." *Katie pulls out her phone and dials Con's number as she walks away.* "Hey Con, its Katie....heya..Ya I made it ok. Yep I am at TJY now and Laura and I are about to leave to go up to the mall than to her place. Hows everything there? Well tell everyone at dinner i said Hi. Ok Con I'll be in touch again. See ya." *KAtie hangs up her phone again and finds Laura.* "Ok I am ready."

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*As the sun starts to set the sky turns a lightshade of Pink and purple. As Sam drives away from the last town till there destanation her heart races. Looking into the back seat Sam eyes BJ looking out the window intently. How she was going to miss the little squirt. In a few hours they would be at the ranch and Sam probley would never see BJ again. She was happy and sad at the same time. BJ had become like her own. She wanted what was best for him, and she new this way. The Agency wouldent think to look here and she would be leading them in the other direction anyways. Sam new he would be in good hands too. BJ WOULD get a chanse at life. He wouldent be stuck in the Agency's grasp like she was. No she wouldent let that happen.*

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