

Gage looks up from the desk as Rod comes back into the makeshift office. He already had one black eye from this morning's argument with Barker, who was in charge of this operation. Apparently, Gage had been negligent in more than one area.

He scowls at Rod. "Either I keep up the regular checks so that doesn't happen, or I stay up here the whole time. I keep getting stuck in the middle, and I'm tired of taking the heat for things that go wrong." He knew that Medridge would have their hides if Katie died at this point. They still needed her.

Gage stands up, checking his watch. "Just let me handle the schedule alright? Keep Barker off my back and I'll take care of the girl."

Reese and Scott watch the video, appalled at what they saw, but completely helpless. They agreed with Nate that probably Katie was suffering, as Jason was, without the injections.

"They were prepared," Reese comments. "Which means they know good and well about Jason and Katie's abilities. Jase said someone in Australia knew, but I didn't think it had gone this far. They obviously have a formula like we do."

A Nate's instruction, Scott takes the printouts from him. He swallows hard, looking at them for a moment, then glancing back to the monitor then to Nate. His eyes said it all. He was reliving a portion of his own terror - only this time it was through Katie. All he can manage is a slight nod before turning and heading back to his own office. He wanted to stay... to make sure he knew what was happening with Katie... but he had to help with the work. It was the only way to help Katie.

Reese sighs deeply, running a hand over his face. "I wouldn't wish this job on anyone. But you're right. Somebody's got to keep a constant eye on this. Any little detail might give us a breakthrough." Thinking a moment, he nods. "I'll be right back." Spinning around, he heads quickly for the hall. "Ryder, come with me."

Rick looks at Sapphire gratefully. "Thanks... and yeah, let's get him to the infirmary. He overexerted himself before I could give him the antidote. Seeing Katie there didn't help any," he adds grimly.

Arriving in the infirmary, Rick manages, with Sapphire's help, to get Jason to the table, lying down. Alec was still occupying the bed, still in a drugged sleep.

Panting, Rick gives Sapphire the "ok" to go, then looks to Misty. "Help me out here, will you? We need to revive him, but I'm afraid of what state he'll be in when he wakes up. Prep a sedative just in case."

Keeping Reiker in handcuffs, Carson assists Phinox in getting him to the interrogation room, shoving him down in the metal chair. "Sit," he orders sternly.

"I want a lawyer!" Reiker complains.

"What for? You're already before the judge and jurry," Carson hisses. "You better think long and hard about talking because this jurry is prone to finding people like you guilty, and the judge is partial to the death sentence."

He lets the threat hang in the air before exiting the room with Phinox and shutting the door behind them. "I've never seen him before," he muses. "I wonder if he's new or just a peon." He quirks an eyebrow at Phinox. "Speaking of which... who are you?" Carson's eyes roam Phinox's face, proving that he thought there was something familiar about him.

There wasn't enough time though - they're interrupted by Reese. "Carson."


"I want you set up at Katie's desk to watch the feed."


"I want you to watch it without blinking," Reese directs. "If you have to get up, you find a replacement until you get back. You're allowed three minutes when necessary."

Carson's eyes widen slightly. The last thing he wanted to watch was his young friend tortured. But someone had to. And he knew why Reese had chosen him."I..." He swallows hard before straightening. His eyes glaze over with a hardened look that was rarely seen in him anymore. "I'm on it."

"Good. Take a notepad." Reese turns to Ryder. "You're free to interrogate our prisoner. Phinox, woud you assist?"

Trooper gives a short woof as if not liking being left out.

Reese frowns at him. "And you belong in your master's office. Get!"

Instead of obeying, Trooper heads around to sit down at Ryder's left side. Ryder looks at him curiously. "He can stay. We might be able to use him."

Carson makes his way to Nate's cubicle, his face free of emotion. "Nate - I need that web address."

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