
Action from the Dr.

Out in the waiting room again Alice's place is by the window again her amrs crossed just looking out.

So many things ran though her mind as she continued to pray to Kyle.

Please let him be ok, please.

Seeing the dr once again Alice perks up and moves from the window. Once again going down the hall and to Kyle Alice sits down at the bed side taking his hand once again.

She wouldnt leave, she wouldnt sleep she would be there for him.

Listing to what was going on around her the girl has no choose but to just sit in the van. She was scaired though she really held not much of an expression on her face.

She had learned from the past the more she struggled the worse it would be. Her best bet would be to sit still, not say a word and wait.

Once insdie the cell and the door shut Phinox opens up his hands and lets the ropes drop free. So far so good he only open his examination of the doors when he had been here before was right and they would open.

Going over to Jay and than Derek Phinox removes the ropes from there wrists.

"Ok, once we get out of the cell we need to follow after Jason, Scott and Katie. I am guessing you know what way they went Derek?!"

Phinox statment was more of just that than a question. Leaning down he pulls a credit card from his pocket and a small pick from his pocket. He had been taking a chanse bring them but he was hoping Rod would be cocky and stupid and he has been right.

Going back to the door Phinox fiddles with the lock till finally a click is sounded and Phinox opens the door just enough to peek out.

"Its clear we need to move fast."

Exiting the room Phinox keeps guard as the other slips past him. Moving down the hall with hast they makes it almost to the door when a sicking gun shot rings out through the hall.

Stopping dead in his tracks Phinox takes a moment to look down seeing the dark ruby color that soaked through the side of his shirt. Letting out a groan he new he was hit, but not wasting anytime he turns his gun he had hiddon drawn as he returned fire. There were five, maybe six guys, and once again they fired back.

Ducking behind a stack of boxes with Derek and Jay he lets out another groan and than a shuttering sick. His body was not tingaling and it hurt so much.

Looking to the others he new they had kids, and familys who needed they. There lifes were more important than his right now.

"I'll hold them off, you guys just go get out. Get your daughter to the hospetil."

Looking them in the eyes he gives a nod convaying his message.


Moving out of his place behind the boxs Phinox's shots run hitting one, than two guys, than another but as he shot them down more came, and they seemed to double in numbers.

Finally his gun falls silent as to much dush was kicked up to know what was going on, only the sounds of the enemys rifels could be hurd returning fire and the gun shots.

Behind the cars Nate crouches as he watchs what was going on. Jason Scott, and Katie were cournered. He had to think and act smart but fast.

Taking aim through the window of the beat up car Nate takes aim and shoots off 2 rounds. Both hitting his targets and taking them down. The others where out of his sights and behind his team he couldnt take a shot without risking hitting them.

Crouching down but moving he still trys to get around them.

Feeling the van jerk Misty holds on feeling the bumps and seeing out the window what was going on. Her heart raced as the action picked up.

Taking the gun from Wyatt Misty just looks at it for a moment. She didnt know how to shoot a gun well and she new, she would never hit her target.

SHe had to do something though, she had to help her friends.

Reaching into her medical bag her pulls out a scapel and puts the handle in her mouth before sheding her jacket and shirt only yo leave her tank top on. Next pulling her knife from her pocket she acts fast and slides the van door open.

Looking at Wyatt and than back at the jeep she new it would be clear and easy with out there being any top. Holding the scaple in her teeth she talks the best she can

"Uncle Reese dont kill me to much."

Once they are close again to the jeep Misty takes a leep into the jeep. Missing just a little her legs skid on the ground. As fast as she can she pulls herself up and delivers a punch to the guy who was after her.

Wrestaling with him for a few moments Misty takes her own punches to the face as her lip is pusted open, and the side of her face already started to swell. Cuts are placed on her arm, but they go un noticed as she finally gets her hands free and stabs the guy in the throat with the scaple. Pushing him off the side of the jeep he lands with a thud.

A shot from the driver wiz by her head just missing her as she ducks. Making her way to the front she new she had the advantage.

Getting behind him her knife connects with his throat as it cuts through the flesh. Blood going everywhere and all over her. The jeep losing controll for a moment as she toss all over. Pulling the body from behind the wheel Misty hops into the seat gaining crontoll again.

Giving a wave at Wyatt with a semi saprised and wavering look on her face she talks into the mic.

"Jeep taken out, peace of cake."

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