

Giving a smile and letting Rin inside the dim lit hallway first Karla follows close behind. Finally getting to the door with the faded 32 on the front. Unlocking the door and opening it Rin once again goes in first giving a bark Karla follows flipping the lights on.

There was a cold chill in the air from a broken furnace that hadn't kicked on with the change in the weather. Dull yellow wall paper lined the walls coming off in some place, but a few pictures hung trying to make the place look somewhat like home. A couch sat in the next room clearly a hand me down, with a small tv across from it on a metal rack. Over in the corner closes to the couch layed a blanket with a rubber chew toy that Rin happily calmed as his own resting his head on his paws.

Taking her jacket off and placing it on the coat rack Karla moves around the apt a little trying to throw some things to the side so Kip would have a place to sit.

"Make yourself comfortable if you like. I have an old super Nintendo thats ancient hooked up to that tv if you like play mario brothers. Want anything to drink? I have water, some flat pop, and water."

"Well if you make this your home for a while, you wont have to worry about that. You'll just have to kick me out of your bed."

Bree's eyes widen just a little as she relized what she has said. She ment Gunner would have to kicked her off the couch but it had come out all wrong and some color came to her face.

"I ment off the couch. Yes, thats what I ment."

Trying to change the subject quickly her face returns to normal color.

"Thank you, for coming to dinner and the bear again. I hope you do consider my Uncle's offer as well. It will be nice to have you here."

Receaving his own jabs Roth stumbles backwards but the sound of the crowd drives him on. Throwing more punchs at Eli till he is down on the ground. Roth snickered and jeered, throwing a few kicks to Eli in as well.

"This is what you wanted smart guy? To get this beat down?"

Getting out of the car with Leo it felt kind of nice being back at the races but it was strange at the same time. Ryan's last memorie here not the bed, but having Leo close helped.

"Your right, this is odd."

Following closely behind Leo Ryan held onto his hand a little tighter without even realizing it. She was more nervous than scared for what might be going on right now. Seeing the group of people standing around confirms the fear that something wasn't right.

Finally getting through the people and to the front with Leo Ryan's eyes zoom into her brother on the ground. What on earth was he doing here and if a fight with Roth non the less. She couldnt help the little shreak as a nothing kick was delivered to Eli in the stomach.


Turning at the sound of Ryan's voice Roth scans the crowd before his eyes zero in on her. A nasty smerk coming to his face as he looks down at Eli, than Ryan squatting down on the ground by Eli who was a bloody mess seeing the resemblance now.

"So thats why I felt like I new, thats your sister."

Looking back at Ryan again her jeers seeing Leo with her.

"Come to pay me my money now? Or do I have to put another bullet in you."

Ryan wasnt scared but she jumped anyways. Roth had guys all over, and who new what they were planning themselves. Not answering she just moves a little closer to Leo.

Laughing Roth looks to Eli his eyes glazed and burning.

"You know if your sister had just payed me the money it wouldnt have ended this way. Heck I even was going to ask her to be mine when things didnt work out with Leo. Just imagen those legs in a nice mini skirt, and a low cut shirt."

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