

Kip stops with Karla, his hands in his pockets as he glances around. Hearing Rin's growl, he can understand now why the dog was protective of his mistress, in a place like this. It affected nothing of what he thought of Karla though. This wasn't the best place he'd seen, but it wasn't the worst either, and he'd certainly hung around a few worse places than this, and it wasn't even because he'd had to.

Giving a nod, he glances over to Karla. "I said I'd walk you home. You're not home yet until you're inside, so... keep on leading. I don't have anything to take me back home any time soon."

Seeing the book, a smile spreads on Gunner's face, and he takes it slowly. Sitting back in the couch, his feet automatically rise to set on the coffee table, and he starts thumbing through the pages. His eyes light up as he sees the pictures and information he already knew so well, yet was always fascinated, and always learning something new.

Reading and pointing things out to Bree every few seconds, he's drawn into the book, not even realizing that JT hadn't come back yet. Eventually, the beeping of his watch takes Gunner's attention away from the subject of astronomy, and he realizes that it's getting late.

He sighs and lets the book fall shut, glancing to Bree. "I guess my watch is reminding me not to outstay my welcome."

Seeing the reaction of Roth's little gang, Eli knew he had them right where he wanted them. This was the only way to get Roth to fight fair, and that was half the battle. Circling with his opponent, he eyes Roth warily, trying to size him up. Unfortunately, he was too busy thinking instead of reacting, and he misses Roth's first move.

Staggering backward, the blunt blow to his jaw spreads pain through his face before he doubles over with the jab to his gut. Another punch to his face sends him a couple more feet back, spreading the crowd that was growing around them.

Grunting with frustration, Eli steps forward, getting a nice right hook to Roth's own jaw, followed by a left to the man's ribs. Ducking a couple blows, the brawl continues. A swift fist to the side of his face though, sends Eli to the ground, blood spurting from his split lip.

Leo gets out of the car and scans the area. Something felt odd. "Where is everyone?" he asks Ryan. Shrugging, he moves forward with her. They'd had a nice dinner out before coming here, Leo trying not to lead on how nervous he was about just showing up here again. It still made his stomach churn.

Walking towards the normal hotspot, he realizes that most people have gathered in a circle around something going on. There was shouting and jeering. "What on earth..." He instinctively walks just slightly in front of Ryan, his hand in hers, keeping her back just a little. If this was another bad episode, he wanted to get her out of there.

But pushing their way through the mob in order to see, Leo's eyes widen. Eli was on the ground by now, with Roth towering above him.

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