

Giving a laugh and shaking her own head as she took a sip of her water. She felt like her stomach would going to explode still but how could she turn down ice cream.

Watching JT leaving the living room Bree smiles before bringing her attachen back to Gunner. She'd been upset not to have floats with Gunner but not upset with him. It had just been a bad day all in all.

"Its ok, really. I shouldn't expect we are going to have floats every day anyways. You have your own life too."

Reaching onto the table Bree grabs a small but wide book and holds it out to Gunner. On the cover were stars and gold lettering "Constalations and the Meaning."

"I saw this at the library today and it made me think of you so I got it."

Just eyeing Eli as he talks the first burns in Roth's eyes as he can hear a few people around them snicker and laugh. Continuing to study Eli Roth felt something familiar about him but couldn't put his finger on it.

Hearing the two ladys to his left giggling Roth turns a little and looks at them squinting. Only to be meet with there cheers and there urges to fight Eli and show him what they got. His other buddy's doing the same mocking Eli and cheering Roth on.

Stepping forward Roth gets into a ready stance. He wasnt about to let Eli show him up not when he didnt even know who this guy was.

"You want me, well here I am."

Moving around in circles Roth does a steal down with Eli neither man striking yet. But finally Roth has had enough and lash out geting Eli right in the jaw, than his stomach, than face again.

Giving a smile Karla felt a little better as Kip mentioned where he grew up. Knowing where she lived didnt make him change his mind about walking her home was nice. Not everyone would give her a second glance when finding out where she lived.

Heading out the way they came Karla gave a wave to the 4 who were at the table still drinking there coffee and tea together laughing and having a nice time.

"It was nice meeting you guys."

Giving a small wave and than exiting the house Karla makes sure Kip and Rin are both with her before heading down the drive way and on there way home.

Keeping up the conversation and having a few laughs on the way home the time seems to go by so fast. The scenes from the nice area they had just been in changing to the dirty rough, part of town.

Finally stopping outside a fadded blue building with peeling paint, the yard looked like someone hadnt taken care of it in weeks. Garbage littered it, and the grass grew tall. Shaddy looking people stood outside the building and yelled across the street to others. While some seemed to stair at Kip and Karla stairing them up and down.

Rin let out a low growel and Karla gentily pated his head letting him know it was ok.

"Well this is it."

Karla points to the blue building.

"Would...you like to come up?"

Karla wasnt sure if he would want to or not, let alone know if she really wanted him to. She didn't have heat right now and not much to offer, but still she wanted to talk with him more.

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