

The three band members and Jen all remain quiet as Katie talks, each feeling the sincerity of her words, and each experiencing just a small amount of shock.

Mike leans back thoughtfully while Phil concentrates on his plate, and Kyle keeps his eyes glued to Katie. The pain in her runs deep…he can see it.

As Katie finishes and there is a pause, Kyle shakes his head. “I knew there were things about you two that you weren’t saying, but…the FBI ain’t nothing compared to this. Wow.”

Jason can’t tell if the reactions, or lack thereof are good or bad. “There’s more.”

Mike raises his eyebrows. His body language shows that he’s willing to listen, though he can’t help just a little bit of skepticism. It was obvious that everyone had been put slightly on edge.

Jason looks down and swallows hard. “All that Katie said…it’s true. There’s been that battle going on for years, and it’s my own great grandfather who started up TJY in order to try and bring an end to the Agency. Though TJY has evolved into much much more, that case is still open and dangerous.”

He pauses, knowing he needs to share more for their sake. “Apart from all that, I think it’s only fair that you know some of my own history because it affects me today…” He glances at Katie for reassurance. “When I was nine, I was abducted and wasn’t found for over a year.”

Surprise around the table is evident as Jason continues. “Long story, but it’s really how I myself ended up working for TJY. I, um…I have trouble dealing with that past sometimes…as Katie well knows, every once in a while if something triggers a memory I can go down pretty quick.”

Phil cocks his head. “Meaning…?”

“Nightmares…flashbacks…sometimes it’s mild, sometimes pretty severe. It’s um…it’s not something that a lot of people have known about until recently.” Jason forces himself not to look down, though his leg bounces nervously under the table.

“So look guys…the bottom line here is this: If I join JetStream, my involvement will put everyone in some amount of danger. It’s no joke, and it’s no maybe – it’s a fact. There is risk involved, and I can’t make the decision for you. The last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt because I was with you.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m still going to be working for TJY. Which means there may be times when I have to skip out on the band in order to fulfill my role in a case. And…there may be times…hopefully not too often…where the past catches up with me unexpectedly, and I’ll need time out until I can recuperate. It’s that simple…”

Mike shifts in his seat, the wheels in his head almost visibly turning. “Katie was your bodyguard. What happens now?”

“Reese…that’s our boss…has approved my involvement with JetStream if it should come about. However, he’ll require that I still have a bodyguard – not only for my protection, but the rest of you as well. Katie has volunteered to continue this role.”

Kyle quirks an eyebrow, not sure he understands. “But how can she?”

“Because she’s good,” Jason states flatly. “It doesn’t take walking to be able to see, and that’s her job – to alert me to danger and worst case scenario, to remove that danger.”

Mike sighs deeply and looks between Phil and Kyle, then back to Jason and Katie. “This is a whole heap to chew on…it’s going to take a while for me to be able to sort through all of it. …No matter what though, you two have become our friends, and that stays the same. Once a friend of ours, always a friend. As far as JetStream is concerned, I think Phil, Kyle and I need to talk about this…do some thinking and praying and make a decision as a group.”

Jason can’t tell whether that is good or bad, and simply nods. “Fair enough.”

Kyle stuffs a grape in his mouth and continues to look at Katie. “Mmm, Katie…you’re a complicated one, aren’t you?” He gives her a little grin, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I like complicated…”

Finished with his tea, Con slides back down, his head resting on the pillow again. As Jamie takes his hand, he’s hit with the same powerful surge that had occurred the night before, and it drains him of what little energy he had left. Staring Jamie in the eye, he sees even more than he did before, as if every time he looks, he learns something new about her. There really was love there…there was no way else to describe it. There was care. Devotion. She’d spent half her day with him today just taking care of him because she’d been genuinely scared.

Con’s eyes close for just a moment as he fights the overwhelming tiredness that the sickness has brought on. Looking back at Jamie, he suddenly feels a slight rush of adrenaline. Did he…could he…was it possible…?

As he lies on the couch with Jamie kneeling next to him, he can see her eye to eye. Slowly he lets go of her hand to place his palm gently to the side of her face, running his thumb along the curve of her cheek.

His voice comes out barely a whisper. “I’d much rather thank God for someone like you, than the little birds…” He swallows hard, searching Jamie’s eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, Jamie…but I think I’m falling in love with you.”

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