

*Katie smiles leting out a mocking laugh as she heads to the table.*

"Ya Kyle cuz its so far from you to here."

*Katie looks back at Jen.*

"He likes to be a drama Queen...er King huh?"

*She lets out a laugh leting Kyle know she enjoyed picking on him. Katie highly enjoys herself as she helps Jen with the fruit making differnt little shakes out of each peace to add a bit of intrest. The chatter being light and friendly. Finally after about an hour dinner is ready. As everyone starts to sit down Katie looks at Jason and nods. Katie starts taking some of the plates and puting hamburgers, salad and fruit on it for everyone.*

*Jamie hears her name and comes out with some warmed up tea. a smile on her face to see alittle bit of color back in Con's face and that his feaver has gone down.*

"Hey there sleepy head. You look alittle better than you did before. More color is in your face and you can talk. Thats a good thing. Here drink this it will help you throut. You had me worryed sick for a moment Con. Out of all the years I have known you I never saw you sick befor."

*Jamie hands the tea to Con and sits down on the coffee table as to not crowd him.The room a slightly darker as the sun has now shifted. As Jamie sits she studys Con face for a long moment finally looking away. Right now she dident know what she was thinking.*

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