
Let me tell you part of the story

*Katie watches Jason listing. Forming her own strength from him to tell her friends the story. Sencing the silence she decieds its her turn to talk.*

"Well I guess I can break the silence next. My family, and another family have been involved in a very big case for many years since my aunt was born. A ground called "The Agency" delt with stealing baby, and illagly adopting them out. It started with my Aunt, and her now feonsay and worked its way through the family."

*Katie lets a long drawn out sigh as she collects her thought on what to say."

"Both familys, The Henson's, and Pents Along with a few people who got mixed up along the way have been through alot. Death, betrayle, lose...but through it all they stayed close. But all living in fear of looking over there backs, and there kids geting mixed up. Finally after 18 year when the Agency had been dorment for so long it started up again. Moving along the chain to the next genaration. Me...and some others at my aunts Ranch."

*Katie glances at Jason hoping she is making sence and not going in circles around everyone. Now having explained that Katie movies on.*

" Next topic but still the same subject..."

*Katie grins alittle silly like to try and lighten everything up but remain searouce.*

"Jason...since I first met Jason I have had a connection with him that no one can explain. His pain is mine. When he is in trouble, something bad happens, is trying to hid something I can tell. As you guys exsperinces at the beach, it hits me like a title wave. Most times I have been able to get to Jason but certin cercomstances have hindered me from doing that."

* Once again Katie looks at Jason and gives a slight nod leting him know its ok. Than turns her head to Kyle.*

"Kyle when you asked me about the picture I told you in my line of work I need to take everything around me in and remember it so if it even changes I know and can see why. The reson for that if I have recently been intitled as a bodyguard. No matter how song, safe and stable a person can be, when in danger 2 more eyes are always helpful. Specialy one who had been trained to notice the things most people dont. When my accident happend I was Jason's bodyguard, and 9 out of 10 says what happend to me wasent an accident but was ment to send a message to Jason, My family, and TJY."

*Katie places her hand on her wast for a moment.*

"Most the time I carry a gun. Just for protection. Its what we have been trained to do."

*Katie glances around the table at all the eyes that are on her as she talks. a stong wind blowing her hair and making her breath in sharp.*

"I cant speak for Jason but I think he feels the same when I say you guys are our God send. From day 1 excuse me for a moment...sorry God...our lifes have been hell. I lost my baby brother and mother when I was young, when though a rough life teenage years and even rougher when I went to live with my Aunt till I met Jason. Things got better to have a best friend but nothing was perfect and things were still horrable. And than you guys came along..."

*Katie nods her head to each one. Her heart heavy as she talked about her past. The feelings hurt so much to relive. For a moment Katie closes her eyes, seeing so many flashes. Her little brotherm her mother, Jason how many times she had really been scaired to death that something bad was going to happend to Jason, the accident. Everything runs so fast through her mind like a racing car. Katie sighs deeply clearing her head.*

"...You guys made me laugh and smile when I needed it the most. I now have more than one friend."

*Katie turns her head back to Kyle and holds her eyes on his. Not blinking or breaking the hold as she talks.*

"I have grown to care about you guys. Your all important to me and I would never want to put you in danger that is why we had to tell you and let you guys make your own choise wather you wanted to continue being out friends and puting yourself in danger with us, or if you wanted to walk away and be safe."

*Kaite finally breaks her stair on Kyle and looks down at her food stabing it alittle. Not sure how to feel. It had been harder than she though to tell them. To see the look on there faces. If only she could see into there minds as to what they were thinking. Looking up Katie looks at Jason and nods leting him know the floor is once his again, trying to keep her head held high to give her ownself confadence.*

*Jamie stratens alittle studing Con's face. She dident know what to think anymore but to be herself and hope everything would work out with what happend the night before.*

"I am happy your feeling a bit better Con. You dont look like crap anymore so thats good."

*Jamie lets out a sigh as she stands to check Con's head and cheek to see how his feaver is. Taking the cloth off his head.*

"I am gonna get this cold again. I will be right back."

*Jamie heads out of the room and than reenters placing the towel back on his head.*

"There we are. I phoned my mom and she is making up some homemade chicken noodle soup for you and is gonna run it over for me. It should help you as well. It's what i use to eat all the time when I was sick as a kid."

*Jamie's face turns a bit red as she talks with Con, trying to ignor how good he looked siting there without his shirt on dispite his many battle scars. Jamie was glad the room was dark.*

"I'll probley stay with you a few more hours to make sure everything is gonna be ok. Than I need to head back to work. But on my way home i will check in on ya again."

* Jamie slightly slips her hand into Con's sliding off the table and kneeling on the floor next to him.*

" I really was worryed about you. I was gonna call 911 if you dident cool down any but than alittle birdy flew in and told me I should put cloths on you check and neck as well as your head. Than God for that bird."

*Jamie beams at Con.*

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