
New Day

Night comes and goes, morning calling once again. Bird sing there song to the morning sun letting everyone know the day has just started.

*Jamie pass by Scott's closed office door. Stoping she takes a few steps back. For a moment she just stands there. It was strange not having Katie here and by now new spread around TJY that Katie and Scott wernt fine. Jamie's heart went out to him she new how it felt to lose thoughs you love. even if it was differnt it still was the same. Finally Jamie knocks on the door and waits.*

*As Katie puts a bite of eggs into her mouth she cant help but beam as she hears Kyle's voice. Puting down her fork she lets out a laugh as the gang enters. Katie gives a hearty wave.*

"Hey guys. Good to see you."

*One by one Katie gets her hugs from everyone and than lets it linger on her for a moment as she smiles and pulls away.*

"So you and Mike are dating?! Thats wonderful...I'm so happy for you Jen. I really am."

*Katie than sits back and scans the faces a smile on her own.*

"J told me you guys have songs on the raido now too. Thats great!"

*Katie smiles fades just alittle but she still trys to hold it.*

"Sorry if I dont remember to well, my memorie isent that great at the moment."

*Herb gives a nod to Carson as he enters and heads into the back.*

"I'm glad to see you came back."

*Drawing silent for a moment Herb turns to continue to prep some things before speaking again.*

"If you put a raw steak on that eye it will takes some of the color away."

*Herb than continues what he is doing giving Carson some direction here and there to help with the morning prep.*

"So what heppend this morning before you left the station? They hound you alot?"

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