

Jason doesn’t know how he could be surprised, but for some reason Katie’s next movement is a startling one.

As her lips meet his, his eyes close. The warmth of Katie’s touch washes over him and his hand moves to cradle her face.

The back of his mind screams at him not to allow himself this moment. He was engaged. He wasn’t with Katie anymore… But the rest of him seems to have other ideas as he’s drawn closer instead of pulling away.

Jason’s heart beats hard within his chest as Katie’s kiss is received. It had been a long time since they had shared this intimate a moment, and somewhere deep down inside of him, it was realized that he had missed it. Being this close...feeling her in this way created a surge through his emotions, Katie's drawing effect reaching its max and pulling his feelings toward the surface like a beckoning magnet. It felt good...refreshing...invigorating to his emotional system.

A noise in the hall suddenly throws Jason back into reality and he realizes just what he’s doing. Withdrawing quickly, he searches her eyes, his hand still on her face. He saw the love again…that love he had taken for granted what seemed like an eternity ago. The love he had pushed away and rejected.

He tries not to let the redness show in his face. He tries to control his emotions. But for a split second, everything seems to go haywire. Too many conflicting thoughts and emotions stirred within him.

His voice comes out barely above a whisper. “Night, Katie…”

Carson closes his eyes and leans his face into Misty’s hand. Her words are no less than he’d expected, but the feeling that he his unworthy never leaves.

Opening his eyes, he rests his forehead close to her own face, and his hands slip through the bars to rest on her arm and on her waist. “Thanks, Misty. Just keep reminding me of that, eh? Maybe one of these days I’ll remember it.”

He musters up a crooked grin. “What would I do without you?”

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