

Scott's expression softens a little at Katie's comment of lunch. He knew she's stay and go with him instead, but he also knew and understood her commitment to the band. Whether she was willing to sacrifice the meeting or not, he didn't want to make her do that. The guys wanted her there for a reason, and he respected that.

"Naw, that's alright. I'll come along with you." He knew everyone well enough now that it didn't make him feel uncomfortable anymore. "Can't refuse free food now can I?" He tosses Katie a wink. "But we're doing Chinese tomorrow, no buts about it."

Carson is caught off guard by Jess' question and throws her a look for a moment that conveys his own inner turmoil. "You tell me."

Shaking his head, he helps her up and to the kitchen, not making her walk too quickly, knowing that she must be terribly sore. Getting her sat down in the chair at the quiet end of the kitchen near a little table, Carson moves to make her some breakfast.

He throws a look to Herb, conveying that he's sorry for the intrusion, but it's obvious the woman needs help, and Carson will gladly take the money for breakfast out of his paycheck.

Fixing some eggs and bacon, instead of leaving things separate, Carson scrambles the eggs and chops up the bacon into tiny pieces so that it doesn't require hardly any chewing, along with some very finely chopped green peppers, then puts a little bit of cheese to melt over the top. The end result is more like an omelet one could almost eat through a straw if they wanted to.

He sets the plate down for Jess, getting her a fork as well, then pours her a little bit of orange juice from the fridge. "Eat what you can - it'll do you good," he prompts.

Wyatt laughs at Jamie and nods. "It's a deal." He leads the way out of TJY, heading for his jeep. Waiting for Jamie, they're on their way across down. After all that's happened, by the time they actually get there, it's late morning, almost time for the early lunch-goers to start showing up.

Wyatt parks his jeep out front and heads to the entrance with Jamie, letting her in first. Taking off his sunglasses, he tucks them in the front of his shirt so they hang off the collar, and scans the restaurant. "You see her?" Glancing around, he spots a familiar face and can't resist a smile and wave in Aerith's direction. It was obvious he was on duty, so he didn't feel bad he couldn't talk to her right now.

Carson hears the bell on the door again and sees Jess tense. He looks out through the doors to the front and spies Wyatt and Jamie. They had to be here for Jess. Looking back to her, he gives a slight smile. "The cavalry has arrived. Sit tight a minute, okay?"

Slipping from the kitchen, he goes out onto the floor. He was hesitant to talk to Wyatt and Jamie both. It had been so long since he'd talked to them at all...not to mention who knew what they'd been hearing about him, especially Wyatt, through Aerith. But, right now, he couldn't focus on himself. Jess needed them, and if he could help, he needed to.

Wyatt lifts his eyebrow as he sees Carson emerge from the kitchen. "Well...maybe he knows more about what's going on. Dad did say the woman knew him."

Carson approaches slowly, nodding to Wyatt, and daring to look at Jamie too, though quickly lowers his gaze. "I take it you're here to talk to Jess."

"Yeah, we are." Wyatt nods. He cocks his head a little, seeing the hesitance in Carson's eyes. "How you doing, Carson?"

Surprised that there was any concern for him, Carson lifts his eyebrows a little. He gives a dry laugh. "Unless you got all day, I better not answer that." He shakes his head. "Jess is in the kitchen. She got roughed up pretty bad by her boyfriend. She's cleaned up a bit and is working on a little breakfast. If she'll go with you, it might be a good idea to have Rick check her over."

Wyatt sighs, but nods. "I hate cases like this. I agree though." He glances to Jamie. "We'll have to see if she'll press charges. If she will, we can get her some protection and have this guy arrested. Either way though, if she's in that bad of shape, it's not a bad idea to have Rick see her."

Carson thumbs to the kitchen. "Follow me. I'd rather take you back there than make her come out here just yet."

Wyatt lets Jamie go ahead of him behind Carson, keeping a watchful eye out for anybody who looked suspicious.

Reaching the kitchen, Carson enters with the other two. Looking to Jess, he gives her an encouraging nod. "Jess, this is Jamie Franklin and Wyatt Reese. They're here to help you."

Jason grins and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure, whatever. You two work that out then. Since that's all taken care of then, I'm going to head to work for just a few minutes and see what's going on there, then I'll aim for Mike's." Turning, he heads for the door.

Kyle quirks an eyebrow and whistles through his teeth.

Jason spins back around. "Now what?"

Kyle points to the closet near the door.

"Oh, you don't want to go to Burger King in your hospital garb?" Jason grins and finds a bag inside the closet with Kyle's clothes that he'd come in with. "You might want to go home first before you go out in these things, but I guess they'd be better than what you got on."

Kyle sticks his tongue out at Jason, and in response, gets the clothes to his face. Smirking, he tosses Jason an annoyed glance, even though the humor still danced in his eyes.

Jason chuckles and goes to leave on more time, but again, is stopped by a whistle from Kyle. He throws up his hands. "What did I forget this time?"

Kyle bites his lip and scrunches his nose. He glances down to the hand he couldn't use, then to his clothes, then to his hand again then back to Jason.

Jason sets his hands on his hips. "If it were anyone else, Kyle, I'd say you were nuts and I'd call a nurse in here instead."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow as if contemplating that option.

Jason stops. "On second thought, you might enjoy that too much."

Kyle can't help his laugh. He couldn't help it that he was going to have trouble getting dressed, and when it came to his family or close friends, he had no embarrassment in asking for help when he needed it.

As Jason comes over though, Kyle looks to Misty and cocks his head, giving her a teasing warning glance. Holding up his good hand, he twirls his finger around, telling her to turn around. His eyes dance with a comment he wants so badly to say that's on the tip of his tongue, but to save his voice, he has to swallow it.

It only takes a few minutes for Kyle to get into his clothes and is ready to go. Receiving directions from the nurse about keeping his hand in the brace and using a sling, he walks with Misty out of the hospital, going just a bit slower than normal, not wanting to admit how sore he was all over, not just in his hand.

Before they know it, they're at his apartment. Phil is already gone, so it's quiet. Kyle gestures down the hall that he's going to take a shower and get changed. He throws a haphazard gesture to the living room, indicating Misty can make herself at home.

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