

*The morning was crisp on Misty’s face as she headed out of her apartment. Her first stop would be to see Kyle this morning. He was going home and she wanted to be there with him at least for the travel.

Getting to the hospital Misty enters his room and gives a smile going over to him. Though she had seen him yesterday like this today the burses and cuts showed more color. Not to mention his hand. Kyle didn’t need to say anything and Misty new what a broken hand might mean to a keyboardist. Misty’s heart went out to him.*

The trials you are now facing
They are not greater than your will
For there is nothing under heaven
You cannot overcome
See the door that lies before you
And know this too shall pass
The confrontation of your fears
In strength drawn from the past
Where the silent voices whisper
Find the course that is your own
And however great the obstacle

*Misty reaches out and takes Kyle’s good hand in her own as some tears roll down her cheek. Why, why would they do this to Kyle.*

You will never be alone
for I have watched the path of angels
and I have heard the heavens roar
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm within the eye of the storm

*They couldn’t do this. The Agency couldn’t get away with this. Kyle was innocent; he was a good guy who got dragged into this. NO! Misty wouldn’t let this happen again, something had to be done.

Letting out a long sigh Misty sinks back in the chair her hand still in Kyle’s. What could she do though? She new her hot temper got her into trouble so many times before, and this time it would too if she didn’t cool it. She could do nothing but be there for Kyle as much as she could and offer him comfort. For now that would have to do.*

“One day we will find the calm in the eye of the storm Kyle. One day. I’m here with you now.”

In fragments of an instant
the chaos has returned
and all that was left to sentiment
beneath the banner burned
and as that voice was slow receded
into echoes, memory
my doubts were re-ignited
and fear awakened from its sleep

*Standing from her desk Katie lets out a tired, frustrated sigh. Everything seemed so heavy right now. Like there were bricks on top of her and she couldn’t do anything to remove the crushing feeling. The case Reese had her working on, on top of the attacks on Kyle, on top of the normal work Katie had from Jamie. Normally she could handle it all but for some reason this whole week just seemed odd. Standing Katie lets out a sigh and stretches. She needed to clear her head, let pent up frustrations out or something before she imploded.*

I believe in what I fight for
and I have paid for it with pain

*The sound of flesh pounding on something hard rings out through the bottom of TJY. Many things run through Katie’s mind as she stands in front of the punching bad. The frustration of having no leads with the case she was working on.

Another punch lands sending the bag spinning away from Katie.*

I am here because my contributions
May help turn this fate away
and all who stood by and did nothing
who are they to criticize?

*And Kyle, who would ever want to hurt Kyle. The Agency what did Kyle have to do with this?

Another punch lands dead center.

Why did the innocent always have to suffer? And than the famous question enters Katie’s mind that has been asked many times in the past by her ancestors “Would this ever really end?”*

The sacrifices of others
our blood has bought their lives

*This time a high kick with force send the bag spinning almost coming off the hinge as Katie stands panting.

This would end, they would stop the Agency. One day everything would be alright. Katie was proud to be apart of that even if it was stressful. Katie was proud to be part of what would bring the calm in the eyes of the storm.*

This is the moment of truth
At the point of no return
Place faith in your convictions
as the boundaries start to blur

*Grabbing some water Katie heads back up to the top floor. Making her way across the floor she passes her cubicle and heads to Scott’s office. Entering Katie can’t help but smile and shake her head at the MD and Jerky laying on his desk.

Walking over to him Katie knows she is sweaty but doesn’t care to much as she gives Scott a huge hug.*

“You know that MD and Jerky is going to go right to your hips.”

There is no love untouched by hate
No unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
No admiration without scorn
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm in the eye of the storm

*Heading out the door Aerith grabs the letter from her table she had forgotten about the night before. Jumping into her car Aerith heads off to work…*

The pages of our history
are written by the hand
with eyes and ears and prejudice
too far removed to understand

*…Finding it rather slow this morning Aerith finds time to sit down and pull out the letter from her pocket. Ripping it open Aerith’s eyes scan the words on the page. At first her confusion shows though as she rereads the top letter. It was from her grandmother’s lawyer telling Aerith that her grandmother had changed her will before she died and left everything she owned to Aerith. Stunned Aerith can hardly move. Her grandmother had never been too nice to her, but why would she than leave her everything.*

And so the heroes of the ages
are stripped of honesty and love

*Flipping the next page over Aerith finds a list of everything thing that was now hers along with a letter from her grandmother herself.

Dear Aerith,

I know this may come as a shock to you. Me leaving everything I own in your hands let alone have a letter waiting for you. But Aerith, after you left and started staying with you friend I realized a few things. I realized how much I did miss you, and did like having you around.

So I guess I am saying is I am sorry for how I treated you. I know those simple words wont make up for what I am missed, but I only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

You really have helped me Aerith in more ways than you know and I am so proud of who you have become even though I hadn’t said it a lot if ever. Your strength and joy for life and your love for God shown through in everything you did.

Because of you Aerith, in my last hours I found the calm in the eye of the storm. I now know where I am going, and death is not the end but the beginning of a better life and one day I will be able to see you again my dear child. Thank you for giving an old bitter woman hope before she died. I hope you can find some use in the stuff I left you. Anything you don’t want, give it to anyone who needs it. I love you my dear one.


To make them seem less noble
and hide what we can become

*Aerith rereads the handwritten letter. So many emotions she felt at the moment she wasn’t sure where to start. A small tear rolls out of her eyes was all that was present at the moment. Her grandmother had been…proud of her. That was something she never heard before, not to mention she was saved before she passed on. That alone put butterflies in Aerith’s stomach. And now, a sudden dull ach forms and for the first time, Aerith miss her grandmother.*

There is no love untouched by hate
No unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
No admiration without scorn
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm in the eye of the storm

*The small bell on the door to Mom and Pop’s opens as a slumped over figure enters. As she looks up quickly she scans the room Jess isn't quite sure why she is here of all places but for some reason she though it felt safe.

Squinting through a swollen shut eye Jess tries to see where an empty seat was. Slowly limping over to a booth that was pushed into the back Jess sits down. She really didn’t want to be noticed or bothered. She just wanted to be lost. Her hurt more today than she had yesterday after her run in with Peter. All Jess wanted to do was cry, but tears just wouldn’t come.

For a long while Jess just stairs down at the table as she runs over her broken open lip with her tong and her arms kept wrapped around her.*

If you find the courage within you
to face the path ahead
it matters not the outcome
if what you will gain instead

*As Jess sits she runs over Peter’s words in her mind. He said he would be back, He said she would never be rid of him. She couldn’t take that though, she didn’t want Peter to come around her again and she didn’t want to feel this pain ever again. But where was she to turn? Who would help someone like her?

Running over her options in her head Jess comes up with dead ends one after another. Than glancing up for a moment and catching sight of Carson Jess remembers something Carson had told Peter. “Most of those people are part of The Elite. Do you want to get us messed up with the law do you?”

Jess wasn’t sure what they did or if they could help but it was her only option she had to try before Peter found where she was.*

Is a heart deepened in the knowing
that experience guards the soul
and the very thing that empties you
Shall surely make you whole
Where the silent voices whisper
Find the course that is your own
And however great the obstacle
You will never be alone

*Scanning the dinner for a moment Jess spots a phone booth that had a phone book. Slowling standing Jess winces but makes her way over to the phone book and picks it up brining it back to her table.

Opening the book Jess flips the pages looking for the phone number she needed. Finally finding it Jess reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cell. Entering the number Jess’ hand quivers than she press send. Waiting.

Finally a male voice answers and states his name. Silent for a moment Jess hears the man say hello again before she finally finds the words to speak. In a soft hurting voice Jess finally reply.*

“Hi Reese, my name is Jessica Fisher and I…don’t know if you can help me or not, but I’m a friend of Carson Bank’s and I kind of know you guys are in law enforcement and stuff…but...I…need help. Lots of help and I have no where ales to turn. I have someone after me who has already hurt me once and told me he will be back. I...I just…don’t know what to do.”

*A few tears roll out of Jess eyes as she replies the might before in her mind. How horrible it was and how much pain it brought back to remember.*

For I have watched the path of angels
and I have heard the heavens roar
There is strife within the tempest
But calm in the eye of the storm

“Can you help me find the calm in the eye of my storm please? Before it’s too late!”

There is strife within the tempest
But calm in the eye of the storm

*Mable looks up from the counter as Jess enters and just studies her for a moment. A bit of worry washing over her. Going over to the window to the kitchen Mable talks to Carson.*

“Isn’t that one of your friends there? She doesn’t look to good.”

*Herb throws Mable a look.*

“Don’t go starting anything.”

*Mable looks to Herb and lets out a long sigh.*

“I was just concerned is all.”

There is no love untouched by hate
No unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
No admiration without scorn
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm in the eye of the storm

To: Mike

From: A. Lockheart

Re: Need to go out

Sounds like fun, I could use the night out.

A date out it is.


*Smiling she hits send. She had gotten use to working at TJY now and spending a little more time with Mike. Going out tonight would be good. She had just come back from Cali after a mishap had happened at her ferm and just a little bit of calmness in the eye of the storm would be nice.*

but there is calm in the eye of the storm

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