

*Katie smiles leans over Scott for another kiss before retreating to answer his question.*

"Mmmm....food sounds go...."

*Katie is cut off as her phone vibrates in her pocket. Looking down she see its Jason she stops her train of though automaticly going to her feels to see if something was wrong. Not sencing anything but a small nervouseness Katie decieds to answer the voice mail.*

"Hold that thought."

*Katie dials her voice mail number and listens for a long moment before shutting her phone and sitting down in the chair across from Scott's desk.*

"Well that was Jason. I guess Jetstream is going to have lunch and a meeting today about Kyle and they want me there incase anything goes down. I probley should go. Jason said you can come along for lunch as well if you would like."

*Katie looks to Scott and gives a soft smile.*

"I'd like you to come, but if you dont want to I'd like to go to lunch with you even more than go to the meeting."

*Misty cant help but smile and laugh at Jason and Kyle. They did act like brothers, but it was nice to see a smile on both there faces. Seeing Kyle's puppy dog face Misty's eyes show a softness not often seen in the last month. Turning to Jason she shakes her head a little bit.*

"Rick already gave me the ok to keep an eye on Kyle for at least the first day of him being home we dont need any saprises. And I certinly dont mind keeping an eye on him.

On top of that I did promise Kyle Burger King. He can come with me to get food if you want, than I can take him home, and than he can give me directions to Mike's if thats ok. I dont mind one bit."

*Misty looks to Kyle and grins before looking back to Jason.*

*Jess looks at Carson as he finish cleaning her up. This was a differnt side to Carson she had never seen before. It was funny to think someone with the personality she had seen could be this soft as well. Fighting the pain in her jaw Jess manages to talk a little bit.*

"So...is this the real Carson?"

*Jess cant help but laugh and than go into a coughing fit as she slowly stands to follow Carson to the kitchen. She was thankful for his kindness and a good meal would fell good as well. Even if it did hurt to chew and swallow. Sitting down Jess keeps her eyes to the floor but cant help but jump whenever the door opens to the restront. Jess dident think Peter would have the guts to come here but still that panic was there.*

*Jamie looks up at Wyatt as he knocks on her wall. Not having to have him ask again Jamie stands from her desk and grabs her keys and jacket. Heading out with Wyatt she nods and smiles.*

"You can drive since I have to do the work."

*Jamie cant help but laugh as she gets into Wyatt's Jeep. She was glad to help. She liked being able to use her own past to help someone in need. Since she way kidnaped she had grown more in tuned with those how had been hurt and needed someone.

Bringing a hand to her scar for a moment Jamie remembers what it was like and how scaired she was. Never did she want anyone to feel so alone. She would always do what she could to help.*

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