

Scott grins. "Well I'm glad you took out your frustrations on a punching bag instead of me." He flops back down in his chair, sifting through some papers. "And speaking of hungry, I hear there's a luncheon special down at he Chinese place..." He lets the invitation hang in the air.

Jason limps the hall as he talks to Mike, finally ending the call, just to make another one. Getting Katie's voicemail, he leaves a quick message. "Hey, Hero, it's me. Yeah, I know, I skipped the vibes and went for airwaves instead. Band meeting today. Lunch out at Mike's. Talking about Kyle, the near future, etcetera. If you can take the time, meet us out there. If Reese hassles you, remind him he gave you permission eons ago to be the bodyguard. And if you had a date with Scott, tell him lunch is on Mike and I'll make it up to him later by not complaining when my printer spits out that blue ink the next time." Closing his phone again, Jason sighs. It was going to be a long day. He heads back to Kyle's room, stopping at the nurse's station first to inquire as to when Kyle could go home.

As Misty leans in for the kiss, Kyle doesn't resist, but allows the intimacy in the privacy of the hospital room. Feeling Misty so close sends the same tingles down his spine, and he returns the kiss with a slow passion, getting stronger as his own hand cradles her head gently. The pain in his face went ignored, the throbbing in his hand was forgotten, if only for a few moments. The exchange is broken only as he shifts his head and returns again, unwilling to let the bliss end so soon.

Drawing back, a small smile creases his lips, his eyes showing their spark as he runs his hand through Misty's hair, his palm finding a resting place on her cheek. Though not supposed to, he speaks again, having to force the words in order to carry the whispered tone. "I think I like that kind of crazy doctor."

Taking his finger, he taps the end of her nose playfully before sitting back into his propped up pillows.

"Hey, Kyle, you ready to get out of here or what?"

Kyle jerks his head toward the door as Jason comes back into the room. He rolls his eyes. Was he ever.

Jason squints at him. "You look like the cat that just ate the canary. What kind of trouble could you possibly get into around here?"

Kyle's grin widens and he shrugs, quirking an eyebrow. He gives Misty a sidelong glance then looks back at Jason, not willing to elaborate.

Jason smirks and shakes his head. "Yeah, knowing you, you've been flirting with the nurses. One of which, by the way, said she just got the doctor's 'ok' that you're free to go. And...I just got off the phone with Mike and he and Phil both want a band meeting today. Mike's got the day off, I'm self-assigned to you right now, but Phil has to work late, so we were thinking about getting together at Mike's for lunch."

Kyle thinks for a moment. There was something in Jason's tone he didn't like...and there was a feeling that today was going to be dreaded. A lot had happened...he was the center of attention, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, a lot was on the line as of now.

His stomach growls, reminding him that he didn't want to wait until lunch, and he looks to Misty, sticking out his lower lip. He'd been promised Burger King.

Jason lifts an eyebrow. "Now what's your problem? I can take you home to change clothes or whatever, then we can head to Mike's early if you want."

Kyle contemplates, then looks to Misty again. There would be discussion today that she might want to be included in. Whether anyone else realized it right now or not, she was a big part of this. Kyle hated to think about how she was going to feel, but they had to talk about it sometime, and he knew it was coming.

He gestures and mouths several words to Jason, trying to get the point across that he wanted Misty there too.

Jason cocks his head. "Well...I guess that's alright. But Katie might be coming if you're worried about protection."

Kyle shakes his head. No, that wasn't it. He just plain thought Misty should be there.

Jason shrugs. "Whatever." He looks to Misty. "What do you guys want to do? Did you have plans already? I figured you'd head in to work, but I can get Rick to lay off for a day if you want me to." He grins. "We can stretch it somehow so you're actually on duty. Like tell him Kyle needs twenty-four/seven care for one day or something."

Carson sits beside Jess on the bed, carefully cleaning around her cuts. He pauses though when she tells him about Peter, and he takes a deep breath, controlling his temper. He searches Jess' eyes for a moment. She'd called the Elite? At least Carson had faith in them to help. If she'd called the local cops, he'd have his doubts.

Her request isn't received with enthusiasm, but he gives a nod, relenting. "Alright...I won't do anything. But if he comes near you when I'm around, don't expect me just to stand there and do nothing."

Carson reaches over to wipe some dried blood from around her lip, his eyes showing his concern. Taking her arm and rubbing some disinfectant around another cut, he experiences a brief flashback of playing doctor to his little sister when she'd fallen off her bike and no one else had been home. After that, any time she'd had a cut or scrape, she'd come to him instead of Mum because he never chided her...he would just dry her tears and clean her up.

Blinking, the memory is gone, and Carson goes to retrieve the first aid kit, coming back to the bed and finally speaking again.

"The Elite will take care of you. I..." He hesitates, knowing that not only were there things Jess and the others had never known, but he also knew that his actions today were probably showing a different side of him than she was used to. But he keeps going anyway. "I was part of that branch for a while and they're good people. You can trust them." He takes a small bandage and tapes it over the cut above her eye, working with gentleness he rarely let show. "As far as the girl is concerned..."

Carson looks down for a moment...the pain was buried deep, but still there. "I think I pushed that opportunity too far out of reach to ever get it back."

Giving a sigh, he closes up the first aid kit and goes to rinse out the washcloth. "If you feel up to it, you can come sit back by the kitchen and I'll get you some breakfast before somebody from the Elite comes. You should at least try to eat something, and Herb's bark is worse than his bite."

Wyatt grabs his jeep keys from his desk and pulls on his brown leather jacket, heading out of his cubicle. His hair was pulled back, and he sets his sunglasses up on his head, coming to Jamie's cubicle before going outside.

He knocks on the wall and looks over at her, smiling. "Morning, Jamie. We just got a call from a woman who's got a guy after her or something. Sounds like she already got hurt once, and somehow she wound up down at Mom and Pop's and called here. I thought it best if a woman went with me for this one. If you can't, I can get Laura or Katie instead, but I thought I'd give you first dibs since you're good at this sort of thing."

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