

*Misty walks quickly following Jason. Her heart races in fear. Kyle was ok but he was still messed up. Why did the innocent always have to suffer. Entering Kyle room Misty is about to go to him but stops dead in her tracks as she see Carson. Just looking at him for a moment Misty trys to keep her emotions under controll. She couldent let them go ramped not now. Not with Kyled layed up like this.

As Jason and Carson start in on eachother Misty just wants to scream. Why couldn't they just give it a rest for at least a little bit. This is not the time or the place to be discussing this. The hurt, irratation is clear on Misty's face.

As Jason is hit with the remote Misty can't help but let out a small laugh. She was glad for Kyle's intaruption and repramand. Ignorning Carson's hissyfit about leaving Misty goes over to Kyle's bed. Leaning down she offers him hug and trys to smile.*

"I'd ask you how you were, but I dont think I need too. Can I get you anything?"

*Katie sits at her desk her head in her heands as a headach forms. She had still come up with nothing and was about to call it a night. She couldent kill herself over this case anymore. It was already taking its toll. Standing Katie suddanly sits back down as everything spin but than stops. A clear message coming through Jason's emotions.

Kyle. What? He was hurt. Quickly Katie reaches for her phone fumbaling it for a moment as she is feed more emotions. Carson was at the hospetal and Jason was not happy. Finally geting the phone and dialing the Jason's cell Katie waits till Jason answers.*

"J, what happend?"

*Nate watches both Jason and Carson for a moment. He felt caught between a rock and a heard place. This wasent fair to anyone. Letting out a frustrated sigh as the conversation comes to an end Nate turns to Carson.*

"If you wait a little while longer I can drive you back."

*Jess sits on her coutch watching TV leting her buzz from earlyer wair off. Her head hurt, her body hurt, everything just felt like crap.

Hearing a knock on the door Jess ears perk up. Who would be here at this time of night. Going to the door and looking out the peep hole Jess rolls her eyes. Opening the door she cross her arms as Peter is leaning agast the frame.*

"Now what do you want Peter?"

*Peter's lips turn up in a curl.*

"Why do you always ask me that when you know the answer?"

*Jess rolls her eyes again and goes to shut the door.*

"Sorry not intrested."

*Peter puts his foot out to stop the door from closing and steps up a little bit mroe staggering a bit.*

"Did I ask if you were intrested or not? I told you, you would be sorry for making me look like a fool at the bar."

*Jess lets go of the door and turns to head inside.*

"I'm calling the police Peter. I dont need to deal with this."

*As Jess turns Peter grabs her arm and shuts the door behind himself.*

"Your not the leader anymore Jess. You dont get to tell me what I can and cant do."

*Peter brushs a strange of hair from Jess face.*

"I always thought you were the pretty one. It's a shame things had to turn out like this you know. But no one walks away from me and after this it would be best of you to remember that for when I come back. You belong to me Jess, because I am all you got."

...A while later...

*Peter leaves throwing his jacket on and bounding down Jess apartment steps. Heading to his car he jumps in and speeds off to the Bullseyes while Jess' apartment lays quiet.*

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