
For once

*Katie gives Scott a strong Nod.*

"Chinese tomarrow, you got it. Now finish up here so we can do and my stomach wont eat itself."

*Katie laughs and sticks her toung out at Scott. She really apresheated that Scott was trying his best. She new it was hard, but it was nice seeing him try. It really proved he did care. and thats all Katie could ask for.*

*Jess forms the best smile she can as Carson sets the plate down in front of her. Softly mouthing the words.*

"Thank you."

*Slowling picking up the fork with a trembaling hand Jess picks up some eggs and eats them. They almost melt in her mouth and than taking a sip of the OJ the pain for a moment is forgotten. Jess hadent lived all that good in the last few years and this simple meal to her was fit for a king. As she eats more and more she relized just how hungry she was an starts to eat a bit faster pushing the pain away as the meal tasted so good.

As Carson leaves and than comes back in with Jamie and Wyatt she quickly puts the fork done and stops eating. Jess had never been one to be scaired of anyone but after what happend the other night she couldent help but be skidish and jumpy.

Looking from Carson to Jamie and than to Wyatt she trys to calm her nerves.*

"Maybe...maybe I shouldent have called. I..."

*Jamie feels her heart go out to the woman the sat in front of her. She was pretty skinne and look like she was in bad shape. The bruses, the cuts and the look in Jess eyes telling there own story.

Slowly steping closer to Jess Jamie bends down to be on eye level with her and offers a friendly smile.*

"No, you did the right thing in calling. What happend to you isn't right and it shouldent happen again. We will do our best not to let it happen again. It was Wyatt here's dad you talked to on the phone, and Wyatt asked me to come along because at one point in time, I got roughed up pretty bad too. So I understand how you feel and I hope that you can trust me, and let us try to help. you."

*Jess looks at Jamie wearly and studys her face for a moment as her gaze goes to the scar on Jamie's face. Maybe this woman in front of her did understand and maybe not, but not Jess was still having second throughts. Replying everything in her mind she hated having to explain this to people. It felt strange and it wasent that Jess was scaired but more like she felt hurt, and shamed. She was always made herself the strong one and now this happend and she wasent strong enough. Did she not deserve this like Jamie had said? Or was the just the price she had to pay for the past.*

"I...I can come with you. But I can't talk to much it kind of hurts at the moment."

*Jess eyes drift back to Carson. Trying to find comfort in him that things would be ok, and that these strangers indeed would be willing to help her.*

*Entering the apartment Misty smiles and gives a nod.*

"If you need any help give a yell. I am a dr after all so its not like its going to faze me or anything."

*Misty cant help but giggle as a grin plays on her lips her joking air showing. Heading into the living room she sits down on the coutch and flips the tv on to wait for Kyle to return.*

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