

Carson didn’t feel anywhere near comfortable going to TJY, but he’d implied the offer, and for Jess’ sake, he would. She needed help, and if him going along would be a part of that, then so be it. It was strange to see her like this…she had always been so strong. But what had happened could bring any woman down.

He finally nods. “I’ll go. If it’s okay with these two.”

Wyatt can sense Carson’s discomfort, and in a way, he doesn’t feel a bit sorry for him. He knew it would be awkward for Carson to come to TJY…his original offence that had gotten him fired had been bad enough, then the stunt he pulled with Misty was just icing on the cake. Though that one had been against Misty herself, the whole department knew about it, and there wasn’t one person at TJY who wouldn’t take Misty’s side. Wyatt only hoped that Carson’s actions now proved he genuinely cared and that he didn’t have an ulterior motive. “It’s fine by me.” He catches Jamie’s eye, and knows that she’ll be okay with it too, and also reads her own look to take their time. This was a delicate case that needed soft hands.

“I’ll, um…” Carson glances down, then back up again. “I’ll need to ride with you guys.”

Wyatt nods. “I know.”

Carson swallows hard. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think he was in a small town where everyone knew everything about everyone. Unfortunately for him, his working at Mom and Pop’s provided a direct line back to TJY through Aerith and Wyatt. “Okay. Just let me clear this with Herb and I’ll be ready to come.”

He steps closer to Jess, gently and cautiously laying a hand on her shoulder to let her know it was going to be okay. He’d seen so many women like her…so many times he’d seen that look of fear…that look of helplessness and smallness in their eyes. And almost every time…it had been him who had caused that damage. He could see it now…he could see what destruction that carelessness could make…what abusive behavior could make…what taking advantage of someone could cause. Jess was just one of many. And it was about time he started helping put lives back together instead of shattering them. If only he had realized these things sooner. He’d still be in a position at TJY where he actually could be put to use.

But now…now he had a chance nonetheless and it was worth any discomfort at being seen at TJY again.

Going over to Herb, he lets him know what’s going on and gets permission to leave for as long as needed.

Taking their time, the four are able to head back outside. Wyatt catches Aerith’s eye again and tosses her a wink, letting her know that they were still on for their date tonight, then holds the door open for the women.

Carson sits in the back with Jess, the ride to TJY quiet. Wyatt strikes up a little bit of small talk to try and keep things fairly light, and before they know it, they’re parking at the large factory building.

Getting out first, Carson gives Jess a hand out too, knowing that she must be pretty sore, and guides her too the door. He knew the route well and doesn’t miss a beat, going inside and down the elevator, not thinking about the fact that it might seem a little strange to Jess that he knew this place so well.

Keeping Jess close to him, Carson makes his way across the main floor, dodging the looks of surprise from others, and their eyes filled with questions. It was bad enough they were seeing him back here again – worse was the shape he was in to boot, not to mention, with a battered woman. At least Wyatt and Jamie were with them so no one thought he was involved with foul play.

Heading down the hall, Carson directs Jess to the infirmary. “Now, we’re gonna have Rick just make an official report of your condition,” he informs her quietly. “Then Wyatt and Jamie will talk to you more about pressing charges, alright?”


Carson stops, seeing Jason come out of his office. He hesitates, not knowing quite how to act.

Jason studies Carson’s rough features, then eyes the woman with him. “What…”

“It’s okay, Jase.” Wyatt waves him off. “They’re with us.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow as he fidgets with his truck keys. “Ah…okay…”

Carson ducks his head and keeps on walking to the infirmary.

Rick looks up from his work as he hears the door open, and a look of surprise crosses his face at seeing Carson. “Wh….” Then he spots Jess and the others, and immediately realizes that it was this woman who was here to see him. He would have to save his questions until later.

A gentle smile spreads on his face and he approaches the woman slowly. “Well hello there. I’m Rick.”

Scott looks up from his desk and grins at Katie. “You know when you order me around it drives me crazy.” Chuckling, he gets up and grabs his keys. “Alright, this white rabbit is starving too, so lets get going. If I know Mike, he’ll have hamburgers waiting.”

Kyle laughs with Misty and heads outside, adjusting his sling and trying to get used to it. Though mid-morning by now, they still go to Burger King as promised, and even though lunch is waiting, Kyle doesn’t care, living up to his reputation of being able to pack it away.

Relaxing a while at the park, it’s then off to Mike’s, Kyle giving Misty directions as they go. As they reach the country house outside of town, Kyle spots the other vehicles. He gives Misty a sheepish grin and points, showing that even though this meeting was because of him, they’re the last ones to arrive.

Parking in the gravel drive, they’re met by some enthusiastic barking as Mike’s golden retriever comes bounding around the house. Kyle squats down to give her some loving, showing Misty that Lacey was friendly.

“Yo, Kyle, what’s taking you so long, Bro?!” Phil yells at him from the porch, giving a wave to Misty too. “Hurry up and get in here. Jen insisted we didn’t eat until you arrived and we’re starving!”

Kyle gives Misty a sidelong glance and cocks his head toward the house. The spark in his eye proved he enjoyed having her here and showing her where a good portion of his time was spent when not at work.

Getting into the house, though there’s only eight people, the kitchen seems a bit crowded before everyone gets seated. Kyle comes up behind Katie, swinging his good arm around her to put her in a teasing headlock, dragging her to the table.

“Hey, watch it, bud,” Scott warns good naturedly. “Don’t forget who you’re dragging around there.”

Kyle looks down at Katie, then to Scott, presenting a cheesy grin before letting his captive go. He holds up his hand in surrender, and gestures to Scott that he’s free to set Katie down at the table wherever he wants to.

Jason slaps Kyle upside the head. “You ought to know better than that.”

Kyle shrugs, then sees Jen and reaches down to ruffle up her hair, receiving the annoyed but amused look he was aiming for.

“Are we ever going to eat?!” Phil asks desperately.

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