

*Jess looks away from Carson for a moment back at Jamie and than Wyatt trying her best to show at least a little bit of comfadence, though she dident feel much. She felt lower than low, and like she dident deserve this help, but they were hear and if something wasent done Peter would be back and this would happen again, and again.

Standing slowly Jess takes the plate so she can put it into the skin.*

"I..I think I would be safe going with them but Carson can you come too? I'd feel better having someone around I know. At least just...just to get me there."

*Jess sets her plate back down as she gets a cold chill and wraps her arms around herself. She hated feeling like this. It had been along time since this feeling had made itself present and now it was back just bring her down even more. Having a strong attatude portrayed to everyone was easy, but on the inside she new the truth. She wasent as strong as she played to be.*

*Jamie stands again and looks to Wyatt. Giving a nod and convaying they just needed to give Jess the time she needed. It was easy enough to tell Jess was hurt not only physicaly but emotionaly as well and it was better to go with the flow and not push.

Jess looked strong but in her eyes Jamie could see her falling apart.*

*Slowly Misty spys the photo album on the coutch picking it up and thumbing through it. As she pass over the pictures a smile crosses her lips.

Trying to peace together in her mind who the people where, and where the storys lied. Going over the smiles, and the sadness in the eyes of the Mitts to the smiles again.

The coming and going of faces of people fills small gaps in Misty's mind as to who these people were and what might of happend.

As Misty comes to the more present and see Katie and Jason another smile forms on her face. Misty was never one to have many friends, let alone have a photo album filled with them so it was nice to see through others what it was like.

Letting out a small sigh Misty puts the photo book down again and starts to think a little bit. The picturs had braught up questions but answered many as well. Misty wondered if one day she would know the whole story but if not the pics had satisfied her cureosity.

As Kyle enters the livingroom Misty watches him intently not offering help yet. Seeing him eventuly tie his shoe she makes a claping motion with her hands and giving a crooked grin.

Standing Misty gives a small shake of her head and grabs her keys from her purse.*

"Lets blow this popcicle stand. We've got food to eat, and something something something?"

*Misty laughs at her stupitidy and she heads out the door.*

*Katie sits at her desk and taps her pencile impashently. 20 min seemed like a million hours when she dident know what was going to happen at the band meeting.

Finally as the clock ticks another minute Katie jumps up from her desk and hurrys to Scott's office peeking her head in.*

"Twenty minutes is up, you me, food now, lets go slow poke."

*Katie cant help her grin as she enters Scott's office and leans aganst the wall.*

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