
Is it just me..

*Jamie stays in front of Jess so she is between and shielded by both herself and Carson just in case. Once everyone is in the car Jamie trys to help Wyatt keep the talk light knowing not only did Jess feel uncomfortable but Carson probley did too.*

*Jess is thankful that Carson said he would come along. She would of been ok going alone but just having someone alse there made her feel that much safer. Jess hadent known Carson long, and now she was seeing a differnt side of him, but she new one thing that showed true about Carson was if he said something he ment it. Jess had no doubt in her mind that if Peter showed up not only the two from the Elite would protect her but Carson would too.

Once inside the car and on the way Jess just looks out the window. A far off look in her eye as the scenery pass by. Her mind went to many places and dident stay for very long. Jess just couldent consintrate on one thing. She continued to second guess herself was she really going to be ok? Should she really have asked for these people's help?

Finally as they reach the TJY building Jess is thankful for Carson's help, not being able to do something on her own, or feeling weak was something Jess hasent experinced in a while. She swore she never would again but yet here she was.

As they enter the building Jess eyes rome the many people that were looking there way. She hadent the attachen, she hated the way she looked infront of them. She hated showing she was weak.

Moving closer to the room where she was told Rick would be Jess can't help but jump a mile high as the young man with the cruches calls Carson's names. She new she was safe in these walls there was a certin air, but the tone in his voice, the suddon call made her jump anyways.

Entering the room that looked to be the infermary Jess looks around till her eyes look to Rick and than to the floor. Taking a few steps back Jess just looks to the ground for a moment before letting out a shuttering sigh and than finally looking up. Mustering up the strangth to whisper though the hurt.*

"Hi, I'm Jess."

~*~A little while later~*~

*Misty cant help but let out another laugh at Kyle's antics as they pull into Mike's driveway. Kyle couldn't talk but that dident stop him from being funny. He still could get his jokes across just fine.

Getting out of the car Misty gives a wave to Phil as she shouts to them. Though she dident know the full storys seeing the photo book Misty felt alittle bit closer to her new friends and felt like she now fit a little bit better.

Heading inside Misty was happy that Kyle wanted her here it felt good. Her own spark and smile differnt from what once was normal was now good and true showing she was gonna be ok. Giving her greeting to everyone she finds a seat for Kyle and herself than turn to asking him a question only to forget it and let out a laugh as she see Katie go into a head lock.*

*Giving a playful struggle Katie gives Kyle a tiny wack.*

"Kyle, I'm warning you...Kyle."

*As Scott pips up and Kyle lets go of her, Katie cant help but smile and laugh.*

"Kyle Mitts your luck Scott holding me back here and...and....Jason too or I would of tickled you to death."

*Misty trys to hold in a laugh the best she can but a little slips out anyways. It was nice to see this interaction, to see this fun between friends.

After everyone is seated and the burgers are set on the table Misty turns a little to Kyle with a grin and whispers loudly.*

"Is it just me or does it feel like we just had hamburgers?!"

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