

*Katie smiles and follows Jason.* " Nope no planes for dinner. Maybe we can pick up some chicken and I can make chicken-catch-a-torie. Fruit is good too. We have that fridge in there we we can get stuff to drink as well. Maybe some bread for sandwitches...." *Katie stops talking for a moment.* " Ok I guess I am overduwing it a bit. I do need to get some stuff myself though." *Katie smiles as she pushes the cart and follows Jason.*

*As Mick speaks Rosetta for a moment is stuned. She has been waiting for this day for 20+ years and now that it was here Rosetta could hardly believe it. It was there turn for happyniss. Rosetta's smile turns even digger. Losing all controll she jumps up and throws her arms around Mick huging him tightly. Tears of happyness well from Rosetta's eyes.* "Yes Mick, I dont have to think twice about it. YES!" *Rosetta cant help but keep clinging to Mick. She had never been so happy.*

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