

Jason grins as he gets out of the car. “Yeah…I better get some wheels under myself too one of these days so I don’t have to keep borrowing Hal’s truck…not that I mind driving it.”
Getting into the store, he looks around, trying to push everything else out of his mind for now. “Uh…I guess some fruit would be good, unless I want Rick to ride my tail.” He shrugs. “We should probably pick something up for supper too, unless you got plans elsewhere.” He heads for the aisles on the right, familiar with the store.

Mick smiles as Rosetta joins him. “No worries. Just give me a couple more minutes so I can finish this up. I’ve been neglecting it.”

As he continues to rub oil into the saddle a little faster, he watches Rosetta out of the corner of his eye. That in itself was an enjoyable pastime, but his mind was a little heavier today, and he hoped it didn’t show too much. They’d been sitting on the Agency case for a long time now with no progress. They’d seen nothing, found nothing and heard nothing. Yet everyone knew it wasn’t over. Whoever was in charge, whether the Agency or Dr. Medridge, they were doing a good job of making themselves scarce. It only led everyone to believe that one of these days they would be taken by surprise.

Mick runs his hand along the saddle’s fender, using his hands to work the oil in. It was just a matter of time until the real battle began…everyone knew it, though they seldom discussed it. As it was, life was running quite smoothly. But no one wanted to make any moves, afraid that they’d be the ones to set the war in motion.

Rosetta invades Mick’s thoughts again as she did more frequently as of late. She’d been so strong through all of this…she always had been, even years ago when things got tough. Now she was waiting things out with the best of them, standing firm and being an encourager like no other. Mick knew that when the time came, he could count on her to be right with him to end this war. But what about when it was over? At the moment, things couldn’t change too much. Location meant everything, staying together with the gang meant even more, and though at a standstill with the Agency case, it was dangerous to shift one’s focus from it, lest there be a surprise attack. So no, not much could change now. But…that didn’t keep any of them from making plans for after this whole thing was over. His nephew was planning on sticking around, Luke and Angel would get married, Becky and Jim would be reunited, surely Wes had his own plans, Sparky would probably go back home, Eric was considering staying in the area to keep trucking, Jeff had toyed with the idea of staying at the ranch, and Austin and Con would go back to Nevada. …But what about Mick? What were his plans? He glances at Rosetta before focusing on the leather that surrounded the saddle’s stirrup. She meant the world to him…and for once, he couldn’t imagine being without her again. They’d certainly had their ups and downs, but somehow…somehow they’d managed to hang on to each other despite the bumps in the road – especially Rosetta. Mick owed her so much.

The future was uncertain…who knew what would happen with the Agency? The gang prayed that when it was over, their family would still be whole with no losses – but there were no guarantees. Could Mick not find the one thing he knew he wanted, to hang on to as hope for the future? There were no guarantees…but how much more passion could one fight with, if having a hope – a plan for a future – for when it was over? No, nothing could change now. But that couldn’t stop the hope…that couldn’t stop the plans…that couldn’t stop the love. And he could no longer deny the one he loved of that hope. Another day would not slip through his fingers unchanged.

Mick continues to keep his eyes on his saddle, moving to the edges of the skirt and scraping off some dirt before applying more oil. His peripheral vision keeps track of Rosetta's movements and reactions. “So…” His voice comes out low and casual. “When we all get through this and we take down the Agency once and for all…what do you say we finally get hitched and get away somewhere to leave all these crazies behind?” He turns to look at her, grinning with mischief, but his eyes don’t lie – he’s not kidding.

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