
Don't know what I'd do

Jason stares down at his hands, not sure how to feel. Katie was too good to him, plain and simple. His anger had subsided to leave him only with a sadness that he had to continue enduring his nightmare until it was over again. “Alright,” he relents quietly. “But just for the record…I really am sorry. I know that all this cropped up again because of everything else…and I just want to get through it without hurting somebody…least of all you.”
Now that he was out of the office, his walls are back down again, revealing the vulnerable feelings he’s held inside all day. Taking a deep breath, he leans his head back against the seat. “Thanks, Katie…for everything. I hope tonight isn’t as bad, so you can get some sleep. I feel bad that I can’t help it, ya know…but…for what it’s worth…I really appreciate you helping me.” He glances up to look at her as she drives, biting the corner of his mouth. “I don’t know what I’d do without knowing…that you’re there for me.”
He sees they’re approaching the store and takes a deep breath, trying to lighten the mood. “By the way…nice set of wheels.”

Mick pulls the saddle stand closer to begin cleaning and oiling it. The tack room was warm and on the verge of stuffy, but the scent of leather was inviting and soothing. He relaxes and begins the much needed task on his saddle, reflecting on the rides he’d shared with Rosetta lately. It had been just as much fun as he’d known it would be…so many memories had come back…so many good talks and laughs.
Sighing with content, Mick knows he mentioned for Rosetta to come get him when supper was ready, and hoped to get his saddle done before she came. Glancing at his watch, he’s pretty sure she’ll show up any minute, but it was worth a try to see if he could get this done.

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