
Stormy Sky

*As Katie feels Jason's arm around her shoulder she sits up. The comfort was nice, and she could feel her headach starting to go away. Katie lets out a sigh. She dident know or understand why this was so hard eather. Things were going good and now this was added on.*

"I'm sorry Jason this has been heck on you and I'm sorry there is no way to fix it. I'm sorry its not fair to Camryn. Why does everything have to be so confusing. It seems like just yesterday everything was ok and good. Now its just messed up."

*Katie slids off the bed and goes to the window looking out for a moment. Giving a shake of her head she looks away. The sky was so bright outside, and it looked nice. But for the first time in a while Katie dident feel like smiling and it felt like the darksky in her mind was shielding the happyness from outside from geing to her. She wasent sad, she was just confused and she new she was hurting people. That was the last time she wanted. She new what she had to do, but she dreaded doing it. Steping away Katie takes a few steps to the door.*

"I'm tired, I think I am gonna head home. If you need me, well...ya you know what to do. Try and relax J ok."

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