
The sun

Scott sets the small bouquet of flowers on Katie’s desk, not needing to leave a note. She would know who they were from. Ambling back to his own office, Scott’s mind goes to places he wished it wouldn’t. Why he was scared for the future, he didn’t know. He’d been so sure about everything…what had happened? He felt as though he were grasping at straws now.

Sighing, he gets back to his office and tries to do some work. He hadn’t seen Katie in a while and hoped she was doing okay. After last night, he couldn’t help but worry a bit about her.

Jason understood exactly what Katie was saying, and he knew exactly how she felt. But there were no words he could even think of saying that would be anywhere near what they should be. So he simply says nothing.

As Katie gets up to leave, he gives her a nod. “Yeah…let’s just hope I don’t need ya again today, eh? We both need a break.” He forces a wry grin for her. “Relaxing sounds good. I wish I knew how.”

Shaking his head, he gets up too. “I guess I’m going to try and get some work done while Rick isn’t here to hold me down.”

Following Katie out of the infirmary, he splits off from her as he comes to his office, and enters, closing the door behind him.

Leaning back against it, he thinks for several moments, desperately trying to sort through everything, while at the same time trying not to get sick again. His body’s rejection of the meds had done a number on him.

After a moment, he goes to his desk and sinks into his chair, picking up his phone and dialing. Waiting a moment and hearing the message, he speaks. “Camryn, it’s me. I know you’re at work, I just wanted to say hi, and wondered if you wanted to come over to the house tonight. I could use the company…”

Winding clocks back might give one the impression that time has been saved. But no matter how hard one might try to trick the passage of hours, time can’t be stopped. No matter how hard one might try to pause the sun in the sky in order to gain just one more moment, that star will not be stopped. It will still move across the sky. It will still set. And it will still rise again, to announce the new dawn.

Scott heads across the main floor, aiming for his office, but taking a side trip to Katie’s cubicle first. He’d seen her car in the lot and was glad that she was feeling well enough to come in today. Last night, both had gone their separate ways, too tired to plan any activities.

“Mornin’.” He smiles as he leans over the top of her cubicle. “How’s my beautiful fiancé doing today?” He cocks his head. “Thought maybe we could try at that dinner again tonight.”

Jason drags himself through his morning routines, feeling as though he’s been run over by a truck. He’d already called Reese to tell him he’d be in late. He just couldn’t seem to get in gear this morning.

His knee felt as though it could explode, his head hurt, and he was tired. Last night had been alright… Camryn had come over and they’d been able to relax, both falling asleep on the couch until she’d woken up late and gone home. For some reason though, there had been a slight awkwardness added to the mix. One that Jason loathed and feared. He didn’t like it…and he was determined to get rid of it. No matter how strange the circumstances, he didn’t want to feel awkward around Camryn or her around him. There was no need for it.

Finally ready to go, Jason calls Trooper to come with him, and heads out the door to go to TJY.

Carson makes it to Mom and Pop’s early…earlier than he needed to, but there was nothing else to do. Entering the restaurant, he heads straight to the counter, looking for Mabel.

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