

Rick listens intently to Katie's theory, and then seriously starts to consider it, but stops. He shakes his head slowly, still holding the phone. "I'd say that's a good guess but... it leaves out one important factor... well two, actually."

He sighs, wishing he didn't keep having ideas that he knew wouldn't work. But he should at least explain. "First, we discovered what you and Jason have was passed down from someone who took the drug, which was new to Jeff's generation, not his parents'. And second... Jeff has no counterpart. Even if he did have the same problem, this thing doesn't manifest unless meeting up with the other half... not to mention, he was sick like this before and then was fine and now is sick again."

Rick pauses, absentmindedly looking at his computer screen and the data that was scrolling. "No, Katie... I think it's different... I think it's a different substance, the same as what made him sick before, but it's just been improved or... or something. Look..."

He leans his elbows on the desk. "...I know you're upset. And I'm still working. I haven't given up yet. But try and look after yourself right now, okay? You need to worry about you."

Jason sits waiting, tapping his fingers on his desk. He'd just gotten another tongue-lashing from Reese about sloughing off in work. He didn't get it... Jason was trying his hardest, and all of a sudden, he was getting the short end of the stick. Why? He got the funny feeling it had something to do with Katie, but hadn't dared ask.

"Blake's awake." Hunter stands in one of the waiting rooms with Kyle, Alice and a couple others from the team. "He's got a little memory loss, but can function okay. He'll just be here for a little while probably."

The others look down and an awkward silence settles over them. Jordan paces a little, under doctor's permission to be up and about for a short while. He finally looks around at the others. "I guess... we're all thinking it."

Kyle leans back against the wall, tired. Yes, they were all thinking it. "So where are the rest of you heading?"

It was blunt, but it got their attention. And they didn't know yet. A short discussion follows. Some would have to stay here for a few more days anyway to recover. Others might have to stay several weeks. Blake's older brother was coming down to be with him until he could go home. Jordan and Myla would probably go back to her parents for a little while. Hunter was undecided. ...Everybody all had mulled over options in their minds, but it would be a while before any could really decide what to do. But one fact remained: Break Out was officially over, indefinitely.

Kyle eases away from the group, wandering to a quiet corner with a couch. Sitting down, he winces a little, feeling the pain of all his stitches. At least it was a scar that would be hidden from view. The scar on his heart was hidden too, but not from the eyes of his shadow. She knew everything. And she also knew that he had no idea what he was going to be doing now.

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