
Cold weather

Shaking her head and letting out a sigh Katie turns her horse on again. She didnt want to go, but she would anyways. Her own frustration was running high. She needed to call Rick anyways. Jeff didnt want her around anymore than fine. Maybe she shouldnt have come to start with anyways.

"Fine, whatever, let Rosetta know for me I wont be to lunch today in case she asks."

Making her way back to the ranch Katie breaks out into a trot, than a run making it back in record time. Putting the horse away, and giving her a rub down Katie makes her way out of the barn almost running into Dan. He tryed making conversation but she was in no mood to talk anymore and she had something on her mind she had to do.

Getting into the bunk and seeing her phone flashing Kaite listens to the voicemail. Sinking down on the bed her heart races as she listens to Jason's phone call. Kyle was ok and that was good but the others were hurt. Details were vage and she wanted to know more she would call Jason back after she called Rick.

Dialing the number Katie waits untill she hears the famiure voice on the other line.

"Hey Rick, its Katie. I was wondering if I could talk to you about the medicine you gave Jason and I, if you have time that is. If not than I can call back."

Sitting on the edge of the bed with Bret Charlotte puts her arm around his neck snuggling close to him. She missed him at night, and she missed waking up to him so anytime she could get to cuddle close she did.

"Fall is coming again, it is getting pretty busy down at the caves again. Everyone is relizing the cool weather is coming again and winter will be here soon so they are trying to get what they can in."

Giving another kiss to Bret Charlotte looks at him in the eyes as she smiles. Her eyes twinkled as she gazed apon her husband.

Today, my dear husband I am all your. I have the rest of the day off. So we can watch a movie, play a game, I could get Con down here to throw you over his shoulder and seal you away for me...or we can just watch TV.

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