
Now of Never...

Wrapping her arms gently around Kyle Alice leans her head on top on his as she gently still holds his hand. If asked a few months ago if she would of left Kyle her answer would of been no, but it would of been no for a different reason. Now Kyle was no long just a story, she was much more and even if she had nothing to write about him, she would still follow.

"I'm not going anywhere Kyle, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth."

Turning her head a little so Alice could look into Kyle's eyes she whips the small tear away as she runs her fingers down his cheek.

"Its never been about Jetstream, or Break Out Kyle, its been about you, only you."

"I really dont feel much like doing riding today Uncle Jeff."

Katie gives a little shake of her head and catchs the look in Jeff's eye. She DIDNT want to ride today she just wasnt in the mood, but something tugged at her heart and told her it was now or never. Her heart broke, and shattered into a million peaces if it was possable to do that for a second time.

"Giving me a second and I will be right out."

Going back into the bunk house Katie looks around for her shoes and throws them on before heading out again and coming around to the horse and mounting up. Taking a momant to throw her now long hair back into a ponytail Katie trys to give a smile to Jeff.

"Where we going?"

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