
Will you...

Jeff turns as he hears the door and stares up at Katie. "Yes... yes, I believe I have gone completely mad." He nods and holds up the reins again. "But I'd rather be loony and live the way I want until the last moment, than realize what I'm doing and not do it."

Though he held a teasing tone, there was a seriousness in his gaze. If one looked carefully, they might notice Jeff shaking slightly, but he ignored it. "Crazy or not, I want to spend some time with my niece, and you better not deprive me of that. So go get your boots on before I throw up all over your saddle - and you know I would, just for spite."

For some reason, Kyle is not startled by Alice's presence. He hadn't known she was there, yet... somehow he wasn't surprised.

His eyes stay down as he watches her hand slide up over his. Her touch was so soft and warm over his rougher skin. She had sacrificed a huge chunk of her year to follow him. To follow a story? No... to follow his journey. It didn't matter where he went or what he was doing... she was there... his shadow.

Letting his hands fall from the keyboard, he holds Alice's hand for a few moments, still remaining quiet. It had been a long time since he felt this lost. At least when he'd left JetStream, he'd had somewhere to go. But now... everything was shattered. Break Out could be no more, for a long time at least.

Slowly, Kyle leans over, his head resting on Alice's shoulder. He'd tried to be so strong... he'd tried to be the tough one... the shelter. But today... he needed the comfort too. And he wasn't too proud to admit it.

Closing his eyes, his thumb runs back and forth on Alice's hand, the melody of his song running through his mind over and over again. "I don't know what to do," he whispers. "I tried so hard... and now... it's all gone."

Another tear silently escapes his eye to roll down his cheek. Alice was the only one he would allow himself to cry in front of. His heart hurt. "Will you stay with me... even though Break Out is over?"

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