
Something deeper

Looking into her Uncles eyes Katie blinks as her own eyes start to tear a little. This couldnt happen, not to Jeff. When Katie needed shelter he was there, when Katie needed strength he was there. If he was gone, than that was another person who went out of Katie's life.


Katie backs away from Jeff just a little, looking from Rosetta than back to Jeff.

"...You...You have to go back. Rick has to look harder, he needs to try hard there is a cure. You, you cant give up...You cant just roll over and die! You have to go back Uncle Jeff...You have to go back now."

Tears sprang into Katie's eyes that she couldn't control. All the tearm oil inside of her bubbled as her stomach churned, and her own sick feeling rose.

Watching her niece Rosetta's heart broke, for Katie, for herself, and for Jeff. Everything happened so fast. Stepping a little closer to Katie Rosetta set her hand on her arm.

"Katie you got to calm down, your going to make youself sick."

Looking at her aunt Katie pulls her arm away from Rosett and shakes her head.

"You have to tell him to go back Aunt Rosetta..."

"Katie...home is where Jeff belong to be with the ones he loves...to.."

"NO! He's your own brother and your going to let him stay here and die, You...NO!"

Turning from Rosetta and Jeff Katie sprints from the dinning hall and down the steps the pounding of her feet matching the pounding of her heart. Where Katie was going she didnt know, she just wanted to get away. She had to get away. Another person was sleeping through her fingers that she could of saved.

Crawling out of the jeep Alice hurt all over as she moved next to Kyle. Seeing a few of Kyle's own wounds Alice wraps her arms around him trying to put pressure where it looked like he was bleeding.

"I'm...alive. Its going to be ok Kyle."

Alice could hear the sirens in the distince. Help was on the way, the just had to hang in there.

"Keep talking to me Kyle...lets keep letting eachother know we are ok. The paramedics are almost here I can see the....lights."

Giving a shakes from the cold Alice held Kyle closer as she gave a painful chuckle.

"Remember when we went on the fairs wheel? That was great fun, I thought they were going to yell at us so bad though."

Thinking for a long moment as she looks over the menu Sapphire doesn't answer Gage right away. She mulled over his words for a long moment. Gage was differnt from most people she new, and though he'd done some bad things she could see something deeper even if it was hidden. He wasnted to at least try and change and that in itself ment alot.

"Because, you are my friend Gage. I do care, and sometimes friendship dosnt always make sense but its something you cant stop."

Leaning back in the chair for a moment Sapphire's eyes meet Gages.

"I've always been a little on the nerdy strange side. Not many people like to be around me, because I am differnt and have many strangs quirks. I guess I am an out case. But your differnt Gage, you like talking to me and I enjoy having someone to spend time with you. So helping you out, being your friend it helps me out too. You've done same bad things in your life Gage, but so have I. No one can stand saying they haven't. And maybe I can see something deep in you, but there is no turning back now."

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