
Bring me to my knees

A look of relief mixes with surprise as Jeff is joined by Katie. He returns a gentle hug, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "It's good to be home."

Just looking at her a moment, he gives her a knowing nod. He wouldn't ask how she was. He knew she felt like crap. He wasn't going to tell her it would be okay - that's what everyone always said. For now... for now, he would simply be here.

Talk around the table is fairly quiet this evening. Not everyone knew about Jeff's condition yet, but somehow, it was sensed, and the atmosphere was just a little strange. And like any night, everyone disperses, each to their own direction, each to their own mind's thoughts.

And in a place so very far away, on a much cooler night than Nevada, lives have suddenly been changed... drastically.

Kyle doesn't move as Alice approaches. The whole side of his face was bruised and swollen, making it look as though he'd been in a fight. It hurt to move in any direction, the tremendously long gash reminding him that it would be a while before he would be completely healed.

Moving the arm that hurt the least, he slides Alice's hand down to intertwine his fingers in hers, his eyes still focused on the dark window. "I'm okay," he answers quietly. "Angry... confused." She was one of the few he would admit that to.

His grip tightens around her hand as the accident flashes through his mind again. "I'm just glad you're okay too." Thought it hurt, he bent over to give the top of her head a soft kiss. "I'm tired... I guess I'll get some sleep."

Slowly making his way over to the bed, he gradually lies down, trying to relax his sore muscles. His eyes are already closed as exhaustion finally has it's way. "See you... in a while," he mumbles to Alice.

And it was a while. A body knows when it must rest, even when a mind is stubborn, and eventually, sleep must come. And come it does. When the morning rays begin to peek over the horizon, the day dawns and the stirring of activity begins.

Jeff pauses in his route to take another deep breath, steadying himself. The horses wait patiently with him, and he pats the mare's neck. "I'm coming... just give me a sec."

Once the wave has passed, he continues, his boots crackling on the gravel drive. Both horses follow willingly, despite the early morning hour. A light fog had descended over the ranch, bringing a sense of cool relief.

Reaching the bunkhouse, Jeff goes to the window instead of the porch. His cowboy hat brim is in the way so he can't look inside, but he bangs his palm on the pane. "Katie, get your lazy hind end out of bed!"

Shouting took more energy than he thought it would, but he doesn't care. Instead of stopping, he holds up the waiting horses' reins. "You coming with me or what??!"

"Anybody seen Kyle this morning?" A few of the Break Out team had gathered in Jordan's room for a short while, all trying to adjust before discussing what they were all to do next. Going their separate ways was inevitable, but no one wanted to say it. Chloe looks to Hunter, her question still hanging in the air.

Hunter shakes his head. "I looked in his room, but he wasn't there. I thought he'd be here."

It only takes a few moments to realize that Kyle was the only one on the team not accounted for. A quick check at the nurses station proved that he had slipped out earlier. The group decides that perhaps he just needed some time to think, and trusted that he would take care of himself and be back.

Kyle trudges down the sidewalk, his eyes on the lookout for the street signs the nurse had pointed him towards. It wasn't a huge town, so it shouldn't be hard to make it to the community auditorium. That's where Break Out should have been later on... but the cancellation had already been announced.

It took him nearly an hour, and he hurt from head to toe, but finally, Kyle finds the building he was looking for. Standing outside for several minutes, he just stares at the double doors. The morning was chilly, and he pulls his jacket a little tighter around himself, despite the pain it caused to his side.

Emotions started to bubble to the surface and he grit his teeth. Eventually, he looks up ate the sky, giving it an angry glare. "I thought this was what you wanted for me!" he shouts. "I thought I'd finally found my place! Why did you have to take it away?!"

He chokes on his own words. "What am I supposed to do now, huh? I've worked so hard to get here, and then you just flush it down the toilet! Why??!"

It hurt too much to yell anymore, and he hangs his head. The words start to run through his mind again. "No... no, stop it!" He puts his hands to his head, but the words wouldn't stop. The melody persisted. "No! I gave that up! Stop!" But it wouldn't. One would think he was a madman, shouting to the chilly wind. But it was only an aching soul, longing for that which had been left behind.

Kyle can't take it any longer. With a growl of frustration, he heads for the doors, expecting them to be locked. Surprisingly, they open with ease. Slipping inside, he takes a look around and wanders down the hall, almost feeling as though he were being pulled by an invisible force.

Rounding a corner, he comes to the auditorium. It was a fair size with seating for many people. A small stage was down center, dark and in the shadows. Not worrying about whether or not he was trespassing, Kyle walks down the aisle, his steps quiet and slow. Reaching the stage, he stops. To the right was a baby grand piano, apparently used for all kinds of occasions. His fingers twitched. The longing in his heart became unbearable.

Stepping up onto the stage, his footsteps echo on the wooden floor. The bench creaks as he sits down. The small lamp clicks on as the only source of light.

Staring down at the keys, Kyle sits for the longest time. Until finally... finally he lifts his hands. His pulse raced and his palms were sweaty. But the instrument was in tune, and he could no longer resist the gift that had been given to him at birth. Music.

Kyle's fingers moved along the piano keys as if he'd never had a break from playing the keyboard. The minor tones echoed through the empty room, bouncing off the walls and slipping into the deserted seats. The darkness minimized the size of the room, all focus brought under the one small light that lit the side of the stage.

And as the music builds, more and more emotion is spilled into the notes, Kyle's heart poured out into the melody that had never been heard before. Words from his soul escape his lips, despite the physical pain he was in.

I come here tonight.
With this broken heart of mine.
I'm sitting here in pieces,
Without the end in sight.

I don't understand the world.
I don't understand the crimes.
But it hurts inside,
Oh, it hurts inside.
Repair my brokenness.

Bring me to my knees.
Show me the impossible.
Open my eyes to your wondrous ways,
Restore my broken heart.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me your loving power.
I just want to feel You here with me,
Lord I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

With Kyle's eyes closed, silent tears run down his face. But his voice never wavers, growing even stronger with every word. In the shadows of the far corner, ears pick up the song and eyes zero in on this musician. But this audience of one would not reveal himself.

My strength is all but gone.
I've been wounded in the war.
A soldier in the battle,
In the game I'm just a pawn.

I don't understand the pain.
I don't understand the whys.
But it's killing me,
Oh, it's killing me.
Mend my wounded soul.

Bring me to my knees.
Show me the impossible.
Open my eyes to your wondrous ways.
Restore my broken heart.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me your loving power.
I just want to feel You here with me,
Lord I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

Kyle's world had tumbled down around him, and this was all he could do to cope. His hands still moved along the ivory keys, the notes smooth and mellow.

Bring me to my knees.
Let me eyes see what's possible.
Open my heart to your wondrous ways.
Restore this wounded soul.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me eternity.
I just want to feel you here with me,
Lord, I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

The melody fades into the darkness until once again, silence ruled. Kyle's head hangs and his hands retreat to sit in his lap. There was no motivation to go on. No motivation to leave. His future had just been completely wiped out and he had no idea where he'd go from here

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