

"Katie, wait-" Jeff stands abruptly, bumping the table and sending his glass of juice all over the place. Giving a little growl of frustration, he sprints after his niece. Reaching the doorway though, his body just doesn't want to give any more. He doubles over, feeling the same wave of pain and sickness that was making him weaker by the day.

Unable to follow after Katie, he slams a fist into the doorframe. "Dang it!" He was still trying to deal with this whole thing himself... to come to terms with the fact that he was dying. How could he even try to be there for his niece? It wasn't fair.

Tears spring into his eyes as for the first time with this whole thing, he feels absolutely helpless.

Straightening up, he tries to maintain his composure in front of his sister. "Somebody should find her. She shouldn't be alone like this."

Trent is just on his way from his bunk to the dining hall. He usually went a little earlier than everybody else, so he could slip away sooner. But as he walks, he's almost run into by Katie.

"Whoa, Katie? What..." He stops his route and looks at her in bewilderment.

Kyle's eyes are half closed as he fights to stay conscious for Alice. Something resembling a laugh comes out. "Yeah, we... we sure caused quite a scene, didn't we?"

Starting to shiver, he moves in closer to Alice, fighting the strange cold numbness he felt all over. "I wanna go again... to the ferris wheel." He lifts his hand, and twirls his finger as if he can see the ride just in the distance.

Swallowing hard, he licks some blood from his lip again. "Stay with me, Alice," he mumbles. "Don't... leave yet. Too much... other... to live..." He pats her leg. "I love ya."

His head slides down to her shoulder as his shivering worsens. "I don't wanna go to work... I'm so... tired..."

Suddenly, more lights are on the scene and several paramedics scramble from two ambulances. Two slide down the ditch towards the bus, while others tend to the other vehicles and the semi that had somehow wound up on the other side of the road.

"Down here!" someone shouts. "We got a bus full. Bring a stretcher!"

"How many?!"

"Call for the helicopter!"

A paramedic appears near Alice's jeep, spotting her and Kyle on the ground. He kneels by them quickly, shining a light on them. Seeing Kyle's eyes closed, he directs his questions to Alice. "Where are you two injured, ma'am? Are there any more people in this car?"

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