
Someone New

Hearing Kyle leave earlier that morning Alice had followed him staying far enough behind he didnt know because she new maybe he wanted some time alone. After everything she new she probably would herself, but at the same time she still worried about him, didn't want to be alone herself, and just wanted to make sure he was safe.

Watching as he walked Alice was still sore herself but kept a nice pace behind Kyle. Her heart broke as she listend to him outside the auditorium. He wanted to find his place, and though she hadnt agreed with him leaving for the reason he did it was his reason, a part of him, and she had supported him now to only watch it being taken away.

Following him inside of Alice stays along side the stage just watching Kyle for a long moment. Listing to the music and the words to his song Alice closes her eyes swaying to the music for a moment. Finally she herself makes her way on stage coming along side Kyle hoping not to scare him. Sitting down next to him on the bench as the song comes to an end Alice rests her hands on top of his. A smile on her face and her never dieing energy was in her eyes even though her body wouldn't let her jump around right now.

"I still love how you sound when you sing, and how lost you get when you play. Its something I think I could listen to none stop and not have a problem with it."

Running her fingers along Kyle's and as his were over the keys Alice keeps her gaze on Kyle's eyes. Most would say she was crazy for following Kyle around, but Alice believed it was God's will. He gave her a chanse to love again and what a better man than Kyle.

Hearing the bang on the window Katie rolls over in bed. Was it morning already? It felt like she had only maybe fallen asleep and now, now she was being woken up.

Sitting up in bed Katie squints at the alarm clock, it was just after seven. She had only been to sleep for about two hours now. But hearing Jeff call her again Katie gets out of bed and throws on some jeans and a over sized hoodie. Stepping out on the pouch and leaning over the railing to see Jeff.

"Are you crazy, its only seven twenty. I haven't even had my coffee eather. I think you have gone mad."

A small smile forms on Katie's lips though by most who wasnt looking for it you would never be able to tell.

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